April 21, 1986 Dear Diary, It seems ever time I write in here I am feeling the same way- lonely. God, I hate this so much. I feel like I am being eaten alive by this horrible enemy. I want to love someone so badly. Why is it so difficult? Bob has …
Don’t Become a Prisoner of Man
One of the keys to enjoying a rich life is to live for God and not for man. There is nothing that robs us of our joy more than putting our self worth, our identity, in what others think of us. I am convinced that this is the one thing that time …
How to Spend Time With God
I often hear statements like this: "I don't know what to read in the Bible" or "I want to spend time with God, but I just can't find the time." I once heard a preacher say that there were three "D's" to spending time in the Word and with God; …
Purging the Poison of An Offense
When people offend us, the most powerful thing we can do is to say nothing and pray for them. That's what Jesus did. Exactly how realistic is this to do, though? I mean, when someone has treated me unfairly, rudely, and/or disrespectfully, the …
The Battle of Loneliness
I have lived most of my life feeling lonely. You would never know it though because I hid it well, from the world and sometimes even from myself. I used to think that if only I had a really caring boyfriend/husband I would be happier. If only I had …
Me? Blogging?
Well here goes my very first attempt at writing a blog... I'll start with saying this is definitely a stretch for me. I could never imagine blogging. Yet, I know I have so much to share with the world, with YOU. So why shouldn't I share? The Lord has …