Being busy is a way of life for most Americans today. We are all busy. Very busy. This, however, cannot be an excuse to not care for others. All of us can care for one person. And caring for one is better than caring for none. Years ago I was a …
Lord Help me Fight the Struggle of Negative Thinking
I am not a positive person by nature and I never have been. My first thoughts towards any given situation are usually filled with fear and worry. I immediately think of the absolute worse case scenario in any given situation. Being negative is my …
5 Books that will change your life
Praise God that summer is finally here. For most of us this is the time of year when we don't have as many responsibilities. We can relax and enjoy life a little more. We have more free time and can therefore indulge in our personal hobbies …
The Sweet Fragrance of Modesty
The Bible tells us that as followers of Jesus Christ, we ought to be different than the world. This means we are to be so transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit that making God-honoring choices becomes second nature (Romans 12:2). Our lives, …
Let Go and Let God, Momma
"There are two gifts we should give our children: one is roots, the other is wings!" ~ Henry Ward Beecher I have thoroughly enjoyed being a mother to my three sweet children and have always taken my role as a mother very seriously. In fact , being …
Five Joy Busters That Rob You
Do you struggle with being genuinely joyful? I often do. I use to think that being joyful was something that was natural and should, therefore, just flow out of me. I was wrong. In order to live a joy-filled life, we have to live intentionally. The …