It is a gift to be a parent. It is a gift because it is an assignment from God. He is trusting you with His special possessions. (Psalm 127:3) As parents we should always keep in mind that our children are God's and they are on loan for us to …
Step two on the yellow brick road
In a previous post (Identify Your Thief) I wrote that step one to a more peaceful life is to step out of denial and admit to yourself, to God and to another human being what your weaknesses are. Step two to a healthier life is accepting that there …
Marriage as a Pathway to Holiness
Most of us grow up believing that fairy tales are true and that our prince in shining armor will come, swoop us off our feet, and that we will then live happily ever after. Movies, hollywood and the world around us confirms this way of …
What Abraham And Isaac Can Teach You About Your Heart’s Desires
"God tested Abraham's faith." ~ Genesis 22:1 There is a vision in my mind that I carry with me always. It is of Jesus standing in front of me, and lovingly asking me "Am I not still your God?" I know Christ died for me, but am I willing to …
Confessions of a lonely American
I have a confession to make and that is that I have been feeling really isolated and lonely lately. The reason for this is because I do not feel connected to a group of people in my life. Another way to say this is that I do not have community in …
Are you a person of your word?
Why is it so important as followers of Christ's to be people of our word? In a world where most people struggle to feel secure, Jesus calls us to be people that are trustworthy and reliable. We need to be like Jesus. And He is true to His Word. …