"In our own case we accept excuses too easily. In other peoples we do not accept them easily enough." ~ C.S.Lewis. Many years ago I found myself thinking about a word. I felt like the Lord was saying to me "If only my people had more of this, the …
The Remedy For Worrying
If you are a person that tends to worry, one of the hardest things to correct in your life is to not worry. I know because I have spent most of my life worrying. I praise God for bringing me a long ways from the obsessive worrier I use to …
Dating The Right Person
"I wish had known that the in-love experience is not an adequate foundation for marriage. Nobody told me this. I thought the whole thing was you fall in love with somebody, and it’s so wonderful, and it’s so euphoric, and it’s going to be that way …
Cutting the Noose of Unforgiveness
Has your heart ever been broken in so many pieces that you knew you would never be the same again? Have you ever been victimized in such a way that it left you filled with nothing but rage and hatred? Your loved one gets killed by someone that …
Why You Can Have Confidence When You Pray
If you are a faith filled person, prayer will be a very important part of your life. There are a lot of reasons why we pray. We pray because God tells us to pray (Matthew 6:5,9, Romans 12:12, Ephesians 6:18, Colossians 4:2) and so we do it out of …
The Importance of Being Needy
Most of us when we hear that someone is "needy" immediately think of that person in a negative way. We will think of them as weak and consider their weakness as a "bad" thing. Society has taught us that being needy equates to being weak, …