"Being a dad after God's own heart requires team effort." ~ Jim George God gave fathers a challenging assignment when He designed for them to be the leaders of their homes. Although it's quite an honor, being a father is no easy …
When We Misinterpret A Message From God
"When God speaks to us, it does not prove we are righteous or even right. It does not even prove that we have correctly understood what He said. The infallibility of the messenger and the message does not guarantee the infallibility of our reception. …
5 Books To Read This Summer
“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers." ~Charles W. Eliot Books can heal, guide and encourage. They can also be a great escape for when life is …
Remedies For Handling Stress
"There are very few certainties that touch us all in this mortal experience, but one of the absolutes is that we will experience hardship and stress at some point." ~ Dr. James C. Dobson Although some seasons are more peaceful than others, stress …
Fasting From Dating For A Year? Here’s What She Learned
God makes a home for the lonely. Only the rebellious dwell in a parched land' (Ps. 68:6). If I ever find, as a single, that I cannot cope with feelings of loneliness or unfulfillment, it is an indication that I am rebellious - unwilling to find all …
Three Ways To Start Your Marriage Off Right
"Falling in love is not an act of the will or a conscious choice. It just happens to you. Keeping love alive, however, takes effort and selfless service." ~ Gary Chapman So he finally proposed and you're getting married? Congratulations to you …