"I thought the biggest taboo in culture was HIV/ AIDS. However, I now believe it’s mental illness. As ministers, we have to assure people that it’s not a sin to be sick. Your chemistry is not your character, and your illness is not your identity. If …
I Know God Loves Me, But Why Is It So Hard For Me To Love Myself?
"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life." ~ Proverbs 4:23 A dear friend called me the other day and said, "this morning I had a melt down. I just broke down and started weeping, and didn't even knowing why I was …
Shame, Sexuality And The Christian
"God’s heart for our girls is sexual freedom—not freedom the way the world defines it, but freedom to live on the other side of shame. Freedom to be at peace with your own sexuality, not living in bondage to it. Jesus is an overcoming Savior for …
What Is Listening Prayer?
"God speaks in the silence of the heart. Listening is the beginning of prayer." ~ Mother Teresa I recently learned about "listening prayer," and it changed my prayer life. When you think about it, it takes two people to have a conversation. One …
Choosing To Walk In Freedom
"Being set free and walking in freedom are not the same. The first was done for us by Jesus, but the second we must choose to do ourselves in His strength and by His grace." Christine Caine What does walking in freedom look like to you? Take a …
What Is God’s Will For My Life?
"God has a plan even when it doesn't seem fair to us." ~ Incourage.com Committed Christ followers desire to know one important thing: how can I know God's will for my life? I recently met a woman that helped me understand the …