The story of my life is not a smooth straight one. Nevertheless it has been an interesting journey and I’m grateful to say that I have no regrets.
I was born in New Delhi, India. When I was 18 months old we moved to Washington D.C. We moved again when I was five, to Brussels, Belgium. I was raised in Belgium until I graduated from high school. I then flew across the continent to go to college in the United States (Boston College).
After graduating from college, I did a one year Fashion Merchandising Management program and landed in a job with a reputable fashion designer, David Josef. It was during this time I met my husband, Will. We were married two years after we met, and had three children immediately after.
In the 12th year of our marriage our marriage was almost destroyed by the devourer. My husband and I were separated for 18 months. During this separation we both met Jesus Christ and committed our lives to Him, and recommitted to one another.
Thanks to Jesus Christ our marriage was saved.

We recently celebrated our 33rd wedding anniversary, praise be to God! Our marriage has faced many hardships, and it hasn’t been easy, but we have learned that love is a choice, a choice to stay committed, a choice to forgive, a choice to understand, and a choice to not give up. It takes two people making these choices consistently. Will and I both value marriage, taking our vows before God seriously. We also have a genuine love for one another, a love that is different than what the world would say love is.
I am so grateful that we chose to stay together. I love growing old together.
We have three beautiful young adult children and two darling daughters in law. They each have a sincere love for the Lord. There truly is no greater joy than this (3 John 1:4). And glory to God, we recently became grandparents! Thank You Jesus!

When I met my Lord and savior Jesus Christ, I was a mess. I was smoking, drinking and on the verge of divorce. He washed away the junk that both my husband and I had piled up due to having been raised in dysfunctional homes. Jesus gave us a fresh start, a fresh marriage. It was a miracle. He is the God of miracles.
I was raised in an East Indian religion called Sikhism. Although I grew up believing in a god, I always felt an emptiness within me. Meeting and having a personal relationship with the one and only true God, Jesus Christ, was like finding the last piece of the puzzle of my soul. It changed me from the inside out. It’s one reason I’m so passionately in love with Him.
I always have this vision in my heart of Jesus pulling me out of a deep dark well. He pulled me out and then lovingly, gently wiped me clean from the top of my head to the bottom of my toes. His love is real. His grace is overwhelming (in a good way).
Jesus is alive and when we invite Him into our hearts He comes to live inside of us.
There is no other religion that offers the gift of the Holy Spirit like Christianity does. It has been by the power of the Holy Spirit that I have been able to conquer the giants in my life (and still do today). To be the woman of peace, grace and joy that I am today is a miracle in itself. It is all because of Jesus Christ. Oh how I praise His holy and precious name.
My love for Christ is my inspiration for starting this blog. He touched my life so dramatically that now I want to help others break down the walls of deception and live more freely. My hope is to help others on their journey of becoming the man or woman of God they were created to be.
My prayer is that the experiences I share will inspire, challenge and encourage others so that they may live in the abundance of life that Jesus died for them to live.
“The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” ~ Jesus (John 10:10)
Hi Tweeny, great testimonial. The Lord has truly blessed you with a lovely family. Keep believing in the Lord for he is the head of our lives. God Bless
Is this the same Bobby Stovall I knew from many years ago? Thank you for leaving me a comment. Yes, the Lord has really blessed me with a sweet family. We went through a furnace though, but by God’s grace came out untouched. You can read all about it in the book I hope to publish soon. Hope you have been well. And AMEN to putting our faith in the Lord as the head of our lives. May He bless you too my friend! 🙂
Dear Tweeny, very inspirational testimonies and your stories. I can’t describe how great is our Lord and how merciful he is to safe us in these miraculous ways. It’s a blessing that my husband and I get to know you and your husband.
Dear Sharon,
Will and I are so grateful to the Lord for putting us all together. You and your husband are a blessing to us. I’m excited to see what God is going to do through our small group.Thanks for leaving a comment here.
Bless you sweet sis.
This a wonderful testimony! Very inspiring for myself going through similar issues…..This has definitely given me hope that not all is lost and God can restore anything in our lives if we just ask and believe he will help us through what ever our trail anf tribulations may be..Thank you kindly,Gina
Thank you Gina. I appreciate you leaving a comment. It’s true that nothing is too hard for God. It’s hard to believe that when we are in the midst of a trial, but it’s still the truth. Lord bless you! 🙂
Thank you for your transparency. You are a blessing to the body of Christ.
Thank you for such kind words. I don’t know you, but I am sure that you are a blessing to the body of Christ as well. 🙂
Tweeny, this is absolutely beautiful.
I believe you are offering hope, comfort and pure love from Holy Spirit to the Body of Christ and I know that Your Father is especially fond and proud of you! 🙂
Keep up the great work. I’m grateful you are a sister in Christ.
Holly, thank you for your kind words sister! May the Lord bless you! 🙂
Hi i’am a mother of 4 grown kids know and 11 grandkids and 1great granddaughter and another on the way he is a boy praying god would us him and give him the wisdom & strength & knowledgeable in gods word & prayer. My prayer my kids will be saved 2020
Own there own homes & a business love people be a blessing as god uses them. Amen. All so my grandkids to live a save life i want them to give there life to God that’s my prayer all so & save wifves in there lifes & my grandkids own homes business what God lays on there hearts also my kids. My life i raised 4 kids work half of my life wanted the best for my family as a mother that love her kids cared for them as a strong mother thought she was a little tuff on her kids because what is going on in the world. I do not know where i went wrong with me bringing my kids up as they got older things started to go wrong i was hurt feeling disappointed in them and me. As i was going through God send a best friend my way she is like a real sister to me. I got to know God & closer to God & got in to church more yes i got married i thought that was my husband i moved to fast lesson learn wait on God & pray for what you want far as a husband i want my husband to love God with all his heart gets prayer through loves me & and my family loves peoples, wisdom, strength,knowledge all understanding about God & people and we all in this letter walk & live in faith. So know i’am praying God will show me my Godly husband &has his own business & i would love to own my own house with al my grandkids so they can visit & gatherings talking about my father in heaven how he bless me and how they got bless by the best on this earth & in this eath & why. That’s my prayer for year 2020 God keep a covernent around me and my family protect us where ever go in jesus name keep our mind in you and our hearts so we do not get lost in there world. God be with my sister kim and her brother jason they do not speak to each other because my sister lets her grown kids desrespect him. Know they do not speak to me at all. Pray for us God will work it out before year 2020 comes in in jesus name God bless evetybody that will pray for us my god bless you and your family allso.
Please pray for my daughter. She is in the clutches of addiction. Bless you who pray for her release from this evil.
Hi Tweeny I came across your website as I was exploring the fear and love for God and how they work together. I can now use some of your great points to explain to someone fear is not to be afraid of our Lord but it is to show a deep respect for Him which is also love for His holiness and righteousness. Great work keep it up 🙏🏾
Thank you for your encouragement Rio! God bless you.