“Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.” - Corrie ten Boom. A vital part of relationships is having the assurance that there is mutual trust. We all have a strong need to feel safe and secure within our …
How To Live In Harmony With Your Spouse When You Don’t See Eye To Eye
Throughout the years I have counseled many women who feel sad because they no longer have anything in common with their husbands. I am often asked the question, "how can I live in harmony with my husband when we don't see life eye to eye?" It is …
Being The Light In This Dark World
For the last few days my family and I have been watching the news intensely, following the story of the Boston Bombings. We were relieved to see justice being done when both men that committed such a heinous crime were caught. So many lives …
Characteristics Of A Healthy Marriage
Marriage is a beautiful union between a man and a woman if the two individuals are submissive and committed to do it God's way. In the twenty four years I've been married, I have married the same man twice. We were never divorced or remarried …
A Time To Grieve
With this being Holy Week I find myself thinking about Jesus's death and the anguish His family and friends had to face as they watched Him die. One of the hardest things to go through in life is to witness the death of a loved one. It is even …
How I Know He Loves Me
Mother Teresa said, "When you know how much God is in love with you then you can only live your life radiating that love." I completely agree. We cannot show Christ's love to the world around us unless we have fully grasped how much He loves …