It is a gift to be a parent. It is a gift because it is an assignment from God. He is trusting you with His special possessions. (Psalm 127:3) As parents we should always keep in mind that our children are God's and they are on loan for us to …
Let Go and Let God, Momma
"There are two gifts we should give our children: one is roots, the other is wings!" ~ Henry Ward Beecher I have thoroughly enjoyed being a mother to my three sweet children and have always taken my role as a mother very seriously. In fact , being …
Lessons from my old diary
April 21, 1986 Dear Diary, It seems ever time I write in here I am feeling the same way- lonely. God, I hate this so much. I feel like I am being eaten alive by this horrible enemy. I want to love someone so badly. Why is it so difficult? Bob has …