"Being a dad after God's own heart requires team effort." ~ Jim George God gave fathers a challenging assignment when He designed for them to be the leaders of their homes. Although it's quite an honor, being a father is no easy …
Five Communication Errors To Avoid
“Authentic communication is much more than just talking. It is understanding and being understood." ~ Dennis Rainey Your ability to communicate well with others can either enhance or impair your relationships. Learning how to communicate …
What To Do When You’re Afraid Of Change
You and I can not change or control the world around us, but we can change and control the world within us. ~Warren Wiersbe Change is in the air. It's the season of new beginnings. The time of transition. Many students started school today and …
How To Be Compassionate
Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep. ~ Romans 12:15 Recently I was asked, "In your opinion, what is the most important quality a person ought to have?" After some thought, I answered, "being compassionate." Being a …
The Empty Nest Syndrome
As our last child - our daughter - graduates from high school and prepares to leave for college, I find myself having a lot of mixed feelings as I realize that soon I will be an empty nester. On one hand I feel a lot of joy because I am so proud …
What Is Codependency?
Most people have heard of the term codependency but they don't really know what it is. In fact, most codependents do not even know that they are codependents. I never knew what codependency meant until my marriage fell apart and I started going to …