"Authenticity occurs when real people say real things about real issues with real feelings. When you’re authentic you live what you are." ~ Charles Swindoll When the young lady that I mentor, and love, started dating recently, she asked me for some …
The Secret To Guarding Your Heart
"Is the condition of my heart my greatest concern? It should be because it is so determinative of every aspect of life. It ultimately determines my love for God and for others. It determines who I am and what I do." ~ J.Hampton Keathley, III* If …
When Jesus Calls You By Name
“Mary!” Jesus said. ~ John 20:16 Our son, Nolan, played football in high school and college. As an offensive lineman, he had to learn to hold very still until the ball was snapped. Since even a twitch caused a penalty, this can often be a very …
Bible Verses And Quotes To Help You Fight Off Your Fears
"Basically, there are two paths you can walk: faith or fear. It's impossible to simultaneously trust God and not trust God." ~ Charles Stanley Everyone struggles with fear at some point in their life. Feelings of anxiety and worry are very real to …
Golden Nuggets From God-Finding Joy In The Midst Of Your Storm
"You can either be angry for what you don't have or thankful for what you do have. Do your best and God will do the rest." ~ Nick Vujicic This year has been one of the most painful years of my life. I've had to face a lot of losses, which have left …
Bible Verses On God’s Love For You
"Though our feelings come and go, God's love for us does not." ~ C.S.Lewis We all struggle from time to time sensing God's love for us. When you feel broken down by the pressures of life you may begin to question if God really loves you (click here …