“Take the anointing oil and anoint the tabernacle and everything in it; consecrate it along with all its furnishings so that it will be holy”~ Exodus 40:9
Can a house be demonized? The answer is yes-demons can attach themselves to objects and places. This is why it’s critical that we “demon proof” our homes to spiritually protect our homes and our families.

To demon proof your house you must spiritually clean and dedicate it to the Lord.
Ideally, you ought to do this before you move into a house, but it’s totally fine to pray over your house at any time. In fact, sometimes we have to consecrate our homes several times, like in the case of when someone unknowingly brings evil spirits in.
Before you start, have some anointing oil , a Bible, and invite the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and discernment for any evil spirits to be cast out. You will need strong faith to trust God’s leadership. Believe in the power of the Holy Spirit within you.
Using oil is simply a symbolic act of God’s power and blessings. I have a small bottle of oil that someone brought me from Israel, but you can use any oil (olive oil is great). There’s no “power” in the oil, it is simply symbolic.
“Anointing oil represents the blood of Jesus and the presence and power of the Spirit of God. Anointing oil is a symbol of your faith in God and of God’s ability to cleanse and make things holy. There is nothing mystical or magical about the oil itself. ~Joanna Beck.
Always use the name of Jesus and plead the blood of Jesus over every part of your home. There is power in the blood and in the name of Jesus. Demons tremble at His name. Speak it out loud and confidently- “I plead the blood of Jesus!” Stand assured in the power and authority Jesus Himself has given you (Luke 9:1). [If you’d like to learn more about how to cast out demons with confidence, you can read my other blog post on that topic].
When I consecrate my house to God I start at the front door, since this is the main entryway to my home. Although most of us don’t give much thought to our front doors, they are actually pivotal to the rest of our home. This is where our friends and family members first step into our “sanctuaries.”
Front doors are very special and should be given extra attention when sanctifying your home.
I stand outside the doorway of my house, and with the oil, I make a cross over the top of the door. I begin to pray as the Holy Spirit leads me. Trust the Holy Spirit to lead you in prayer.
Here’s an example of what I may pray: “Heavenly Father, thank you for this house. I dedicate this house to you. It is yours and I give you full permission to be the head of this home. I plead the blood of Jesus over this doorway, and all that will enter through it. May you bring those that you want to enter here and may they feel your sweet presence, peace and love. I want this house to be a house of God-a Bethel. I bless this entry way today in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and my Savior.”
Pray Psalm 91 over the doorpost of your front door as a way to spiritually protect your entire household.
It is always impactful to pray the word of God. Psalm 91 is one of the most powerful prayers of protection to pray over your house, and your loved ones. There are, however, many other scriptures you can pray while anointing your house. Here are a few: Deuteronomy 28:6, Joshua 24:15, Luke 10:5-6, Psalm 127:1, 3 John 1:2, Psalm 4:8, 2 Samuel 7:29)
After you have anointed and prayed over your front door go to each room in your house. Try not to rush from room to room, but allow the Spirit of God to speak to you and lead you. Be sensitive to what you may be sensing, or even feeling in your physical body. Be conscientious of any smells you may be smelling. I’ve smelled rotten eggs before when demons were around. Be still in each room until you sense the Lord saying it’s okay to move on.
Don’t ignore any nudgings the Holy Spirit may be giving you. Trust His leadership in this process.
After praying over your front door, go through each room, including bathrooms, closets, the garage and use your oil to make a cross over the frame of every door and every window. To demon proof your house you have to allow the Holy Spirit to show you what darkness needs to be cast out. Take authority and command all evil spirits to leave in the name of Jesus!
Besides praying and dedicating your home to the Lord, here are some other things to demon proof your house:
1. Remove any objects that may have evil roots.
This could include art pieces, furniture, jewelry, books, clothing, etc. Often these can be things you may have bought in a foreign country. The Holy Spirit will show you. Ask Him to highlight anything that needs to be taken out of your house. Don’t sell or give these items away. You must get rid of them completely. Burn them if you can. They have demons on them and they are in your home!
I had a friend that had bought a beautiful, intricate wood coffee table from her trip to Italy. One day, a man of God came to her house for dinner and pointed out the snakes and dragons that were weaved into this coffee table. He boldly said to my friend and her husband, “this coffee table is demon possessed.” Without hesitation my friend, her husband and their guest took the table out back and took an ax to it and cut it all up. Later she shared with me that it had cost them $4,000!
There is no price tag on allowing a demon to stay in your home.
2. Try to find out the history of the house.
Was there a death? A bad marriage? Abuse of any kind?? These are all entry points for demons, and evil spirits could be planted in this location. You can also ask the Holy Spirit these questions. Be still as you wait to hear His response.
3. Pay attention to any changes in in all family members after you move in
If after you have lived in your house for a while there is persistent sickness in a family member, physical and/or mental, there may be demons of infirmity or heaviness lurking around. Command them to leave by the power and authority in Jesus that you have been given!
4. Any addictive behavior in the house will invite demons in.
Addictions are demonic. You must seek help if you are the addict. If it’s someone that lives in your house with you, be vigilant about praying every morning to cast out the demons. Also be praying for the addict in your home. May he or she find the healing they need.
Stop any unconfessed sins being committed in the house (gossip, lying, anger, etc.).
5. Don’t forget to also pray over the land you live on.
Walk around your lot and consecrate it to the Lord as well. Bless your land in the name of Jesus, and don’t forget to thank Him for blessing you in this way. I even like to pray and ask God to post His angels in all corners of the land we live on. His angels will protect us (Psalm 91:11).
6. Open your Bibles so that the word of God is open to the atmosphere.
I think I have an open Bible in every room of my house. My first mentor taught me this and I thought to myself, why not? I have open Bibles on my side tables, and even in my bathrooms. I love seeing the word of God open to the atmosphere in my house.
7. Play worship music in your house often.
There is so much power in worship music. The lyrics in worship music, praising our Lord Jesus Christ, will force evil spirits to leave. They cannot stand to worship God.
8. Have Christian fellowship in your house as much as possible.
Invite friends and family over to fill your house with laughter, joy and good Christian fellowship. The Bible has a lot to say about gathering together as believers.
As you go through your home, demon proofing it, do it with radical faith, fully believing that God is supernaturally protecting your house and your family.
The key to dedicating your house and protecting it from demonic spirits is to have no doubt that because of your faith in Jesus Christ, you rule over all principalities of darkness (Ephesians 6:13). As Christians, we have authority over demons because Jesus lives in us, and it is with His power that we fight our spiritual battles.
Your home ought to be a place of refuge for you and your family. It’s your safe haven, your spiritual temple, your sanctuary. This is why it’s so important that you dedicate your house to Jesus, and make it a place that His glory lives. Make your home a holy place, by demon proofing it and spiritually protecting it.
“I love the house where you live, O Lord, the place where your glory dwells“~ Psalm 26:8 (GNT).
Photo by Nathan Anderson, Gontran Isnard, Bruno Martins, Roberta Sorge on Unsplash
Thank you for sharing these important instructions and reminders. As always I found this topic very helpful God Bless.
Thank you Julie. I’m happy to hear that you found this post helpful😊 God bless you too! 🩷
Incredibly thorough, important and well written post. Thank you!
Thank you Will! I love you and appreciate your consistent support of my writing. 🙂
Such a blessing to me, I’m so glad I found your post.
Love and blessings.
Hi Maria,
Thank you! I too am so glad that you found my blog. Be sure to subscribe to it so you don’t miss a post. 😊
Love and blessings back atcha 🥰