“God’s silence doesn’t mean His absence. Silence is God’s call for you to grow deeper.” ~ Chuck Swindoll
Last month in a prayer ministry training course, I was taught an important lesson. I learned we do not need to feel uncomfortable in the silence of the Lord because God’s silence does not mean He’s not listening. It takes unwavering faith to believe God is still near when He feels silent.
Our teacher, Michael Enos, said “It can feel awkward to allow silence while we wait on the Lord. God, however, is not uncomfortable in silence. It is imperative that we learn to be comfortable in silence as we wait and watch.” God is not uncomfortable with silence, and we don’t need to be either. However, when God is silent, how do we know what He is saying?
Isn’t it true that silence makes us uncomfortable?
Most of us don’t know how to interpret silence-whether it’s silence from an earthly relationship or silence from God. I’ve even heard it said that silence can feel shaming. Have you ever written an email or text message to someone and they never responded? How did their silence make you feel? Possibly “bad” and maybe even had you questioning your relationship with them. The reality is, silence makes us uncomfortable. Even the psalmist cried out to God in Psalm 13:3, “Turn and answer me, O Lord my God! Restore the sparkle to my eyes, or I will die.”
God’s silence, however is not the same as the silence we may feel in our earthly relationships. Although His silence can be disheartening, and especially in times of seeking His will on a decision, discerning what the silence of the Lord means is essential to our relationship with Him. These are times that listening prayers can be very helpful. Learning to be still and listening to God for guidance is vital, but even with determination and a surrendered will, God can still seem silent. This is why it is important to keep persevering because there are lessons God wants to teach us in the midst of His silence.
God speaks in the silence of the heart. Listening is the beginning of prayer.” ~ Mother Teresa
So, how are we to interpret God’s silence in seasons, sometimes long seasons, when we are waiting on Him for prayers to be answered? Here are two points to encourage us when the Lord feels silent.
- God’s silence does not mean His presence has left us.
The silence of the Lord does not imply that He is absent.
Learning to be okay sitting in the discomfort of the unknown is a test of our faith. God’s silence does not mean He is absent. God’s silence is not the same as silence with an earthly relationship. If another human being doesn’t respond to us, it can often mean that they do not care about your relationship. Sometimes people don’t respond because they may be distracted or busy. With God, however, there ought never be a doubt about His love for us uniquely. He is always near and will never leave us or forsake us. These are promises He has made to us, His beloved children. When the Lord is silent, it will take steadfast faith to believe that He is near.
2. God’s silence does not imply that He is inactive.
God is always working behind the scenes.
Nothing tests our faith more than having to wait on God to answer a prayer. It takes bold faith to bring our hopes into reality as we trust that God really is moving on our behalf. If you find yourself in a season of feeling that the Lord is silent, I want to encourage you that His silence does not mean He is not actively working on your behalf. When He feels silent, train yourself to trust His presence. God is with us every moment of our life. He never leaves us (Hebrews 13:5), He adores us and He cares about everything we care about. He wants us to have unshakable faith, just as it is written in Psalm 125:1 – “Those who trust in the Lord are as unshakable, as unmovable as mighty Mount Zion!“
God is near and God is active even when God is silent.
So then, how can we be confident in the silence of the Lord? I believe the answer lays in John 15:5: “I am the sprouting vine and you’re my branches. As you live in union with me as your source, fruitfulness will stream from within you—but when you live separated from me you are powerless.” When we have intimate and personal fellowship with Christ and are spending quality time with Him, we can be confident that even when He seems silent His peace and His presence are with us. Sometimes there isn’t a right or a wrong answer and we have to just take a step in a direction and ask God to stop us. The Apostle Paul was often redirected on which town he was being called to go to next (Acts 16:8-10). He relied heavily on the Holy Spirit and because He was living in union with God, He was sensitive to the leadership of the Lord. We can live this same way.
“We need to find God and God cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence.” ~ Mother Theresa
Resilient faith requires waiting on God with a joyful amazement in our hearts and confidence to believe that God can do His will even when He seems silent.
You may feel reluctant, but learning to bless the Lord in the midst of His silence is one of the biggest acts of faith. Praising God in the silence is a step of obedience and spiritually maturity. We praise Him because we know His character-He is a good and faithful God. He is trustworthy. When we live like this, we are saying “I trust You Lord, even in the silence I know You are near and You are active. I know You will respond in Your perfect way and time.” I believe this type of unmovable faith draws us into a deeper intimacy with our Father in heaven, and also honors Him greatly.
“The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him. It is good to wait quietly
for deliverance from the Lord.” ~ Lamentations 3:25-26 (HCSB)
Thanks for the encouraging reminder, and for continuing to write even in the silence!
Thank you my dear husband and biggest fan! I appreciate your consistent support of my writings. I love you!❤️