“Being set free and walking in freedom are not the same. The first was done for us by Jesus, but the second we must choose to do ourselves in His strength and by His grace.” Christine Caine
What does walking in freedom look like to you? Take a minute, close your eyes, and allow yourself to imagine what your life would look like if you were living in complete freedom.
When I did this exercise, I saw myself in a beautiful sunny home with a cute front porch, I was healthy and had no pain in my body, and no financial stress. I also envisioned being a part of a loving community.
Freedom, for me, would be a life with no burdens, a life full of friends, family, laughter and joy.
I then asked my husband what did he imagine freedom to look like. I was surprised, and convicted, at his response. He said, “freedom would be a life where I would be content.” BINGO! He hit the nail on the head, while I missed it completely.
Jesus never said that the abundant life is a life with no suffering or hardship. In fact, He said the complete opposite. He told us that here on earth we will have many trials and sorrows (John 16:33). But He also added, “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me…”
“And everything I’ve taught you is so that the peace which is in me will be in you and will give you great confidence as you rest in me. For in this unbelieving world you will experience trouble and sorrows, but you must be courageous, for I have conquered the world!”~ John 16:33 (The Passion Translation)
Peace is a powerful word. I think every single human being craves to live a peaceful life. Yet, the brokenness of this world brings pain. People disappoint, disease robs, money steals, death abandons, and we feel hopeless, lost, angry. Life is hard. Life hurts. Many turn to drugs, alcohol, sex, food, shopping and other means to try and avoid the sadness and to fill the lack of contentment inside their soul.
As Christ followers, however, we know that this world is not our home. Our life here is but a passage of time. Our real home is in heaven (1 Peter 2:11). We are here to be God’s vessels, to help bring others to know the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ. God wants that none shall perish, but have everlasting life with Him in Heaven (2 Peter 3:9).
Peace in Christ is where genuine and lasting freedom is found.
So, while we are here, on earth, we walk with Jesus. He is our “home” because as a Christian, He lives inside of us. Our focus ought not be on the things of this life. This doesn’t mean that you don’t feel your brokenness, or that you don’t hurt, because the truth is as long as we live in this world, we will feel sorrow. It does mean, however, choosing to persevere and endure, knowing that Christ is with you through every hardship.
“a continual looking forward to the eternal world is not (as some modern people think) a form of escapism or wishful thinking, but one of the things a Christian is meant to do. It does not mean that we are to leave the present world as it is. If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were just those who thought most of the next… It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this one. Aim at Heaven and you will get earth “thrown in”: aim at earth and you will get neither.”~ C.S. Lewis (The Problem of Pain).
I encourage you dear brothers and sisters, while you live in this earthly body, to put on your “God Goggles,” and have an eternal perspective. Walking in freedom is a choice we make every moment of every day. It’s living a life of self sacrifice, giving up your hopes, dreams, possessions, yes, your very life, to Jesus. In Matthew 16:25 Jesus explains it beautifully, “For if you choose self-sacrifice and lose your lives for my glory, you will continually discover true life…”
We must decide daily to die to ourselves and to live for the glory of God.
You were crucified with Christ the moment you gave your life to Him. The moment you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, you became a new creation. This means that you belong to Christ now. Your old life is gone; and a new life began! So now it is not you that lives but Christ that lives in you. You live in your earthly body by trusting Him, and you live for His glory (Galatians 2:20).
This dear friend, is what freedom looks like. Living a life completely surrendered to Jesus Christ, to do His will while you are here on earth. Freedom is not having life go the way you wish it would, with fancy cars or homes, good health, and no troubles.
Freedom is resisting the urge to make the things of this world a priority, and accepting God’s will for you.
Jesus came and died for you so that you could live with Him and for Him. As John 8:36 says, “So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.” Hold on to your freedom in Christ by not only reading His Word, but also obeying it. As you do so you will surely experience a supernatural peace, the peace of Christ that surpasses all human understanding. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7).
If you are seeking to live a more satisfying life, a life of freedom, I encourage you to spend some time being still in the presence of the Lord, and ask yourself who guides your life; your own desires, or the Holy Spirit? If we are led by the Spirit, we will walk in freedom. May we all have a strong desire to seek after that freedom, which is found only in Jesus Christ.
“I will walk in freedom, for I have devoted myself to your commandments.” ~ Psalm 119:45
God blesses you! You, my dear, are capable to take Bible verses and express them into words I understand. Most often the Holy Spirit helps me.
Peace and Joy be with you
Love you.
Carol-your words bless me so much! Love you too!
Thank you Tweeny…beautiful reminder.
Thank you Sally!
Amen, Mom. Thank you for this beautitful reminder of the freedom I have been set free to live with. <3
Thank you Nikki!
This was great to read Tweeny!
Thanks Peter!