On this eve of a new year starting, I find myself thinking about miracles, again. Lately, the Lord keeps highlighting the words “miracle” and “wonder” to me. This morning, on the last day of 2017, I was led to Psalm 77.
You are the God of miracles and wonders… (Psalm 77:14)
I began reflecting on what this means, that the God I serve is a God of miracles and of wonders. I believe the Lord still desires to perform miracles in our lives today, because He is the same God of yesterday, today and tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8). This reality check encourages me to keep persevering.
Sometimes, however, God feels silent. I relate to the psalmist in Psalm 77, who starts off crying out to God, “Has the Lord rejected me forever? Will He never again show me favor?” (v7). So many times I have asked the Lord these same questions. When my prayers aren’t being answered in the way I had hoped, and the desires of my heart aren’t being granted, I begin to wonder if God is even hearing my cries. Many times I have wanted to give up.
But then I recall all that God has done for me, the many answered prayers. I remember His wonderful deeds of long ago (Psalm 77:11). I focus on His redemptive power and I am comforted.
Express your requests to God and shift your focus from yourself onto Jesus and His power.
His ways are holy. He is a mighty God, and He is sovereign. “He is the God of miracles and wonders.” God is trustworthy and He is more than capable. As this year ends, choose to leave your discouragement, anxieties, burdens and desires at the foot of His cross. Put a stake of faith in your heart to enter into the new year refreshed and re-committed to submit to His will, and letting go of your own. Believe in His power, protection and love.
As we enter into a new year, pray this prayer by faith – to the God of miracles and wonders.
Dear Lord, help me let go of all that You want me to, and not bring it with me into the new year. Today, I choose to believe, by faith, that You still do miracles and will do a miracle in my life this year. On this eve of a new year beginning, I give You my life and ask that You fill me up afresh with Your Holy Spirit. Give me eyes to see and a heart open to Your purpose for my life. Give me boldness and humility to ask for specifics from You. Lead me, Holy Spirit, to know how to pray according to Your will. May I walk by faith and not by sight this new year, resting in Your good and perfect plan for my life. May I hear Your voice clearly. And may my life glorify You, in all that I say, do and think. Thank You for Your great love and for the beautiful love story You have written uniquely for me. Help me to step into each chapter of it with joy and acceptance, doing my part as You will me to. I love You my Father.
In Jesus’s name. Amen.❤️
May you allow the God of miracles to awaken your heart to the power of His name, and may you wait with hope and expectancy for His best for you. Happy New Years!
“He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.” ~ Job 5:9
Here’s to submitting to His Will in ’18.
Thanks, once again, for your commitment to writing.