“We must never forget that lasting hope- stabilizing hope- is a result of placing confidence in our unchanging God.” ~ Jim Berg
Christmas, the celebration of Jesus Christ’s birth, is December 25th. The meaning of Christmas, however, ought to be part of a Christian’s daily life.
The message of Christmas is one of hope; “Joy to the World, a Savior has come!”
Jesus came to bring hope to a hurting world (Mark 2:17). Those who believe in Him believe He is the Savior of the world. Jesus Himself gave us assurance that through Him, we have eternal life (1 John 4:9-10).
Yet for many Christians, this time of year is especially hard because, for one reason or another, they feel abandoned and alone. A loss, a betrayal, health issues, financial challenges or struggles of low self worth are but a few of life’s trials that may have brought feelings of loneliness.
The reality is that life is full of heartache and can leave you feeling defeated, deflated and depressed.
The truth is, in Jesus Christ there is always hope- Always!
If you are in a season of suffering, I empathize with you. I too am going through a time of sorrow right now. I know how painful life can feel. What helps me find peace through my difficult days is to keep focusing on who Jesus is and why He came to earth.
Here are 3 facts about Jesus that have helped me through my challenging days. I hope they will be an encouragement to you as well:
1. God will always give you the grace you need-Always!
2. God is always up to something good in your life-Always!
3. God is always in control of all things-Always!¹
Do not allow the voice of the liar, Satan (John 8:44), to enter your thoughts. If you do, you will begin to lose all hope in the very One that is Hope (because you subtly believe the lies). Our choice is always whose voice are we going to listen to, God’s or the enemy?
It is crucial to our wellbeing to cultivate our relationship with the Lord; spending daily time in praise, reading the Word, and talking with Him. Remember the enemy’s lies are always distortions of God’s truths. Satan’s lies leave you feeling anxious, fearful, discouraged, full of despair, angry, frustrated, bitter, full of hatred, full of lust and/or greed, guilty, and shameful. None of which are from a loving and caring God.
God’s promises in His Word leave us feeling full of hope, peace and assurance.
It can sound so cliché to hear “God loves you.” But I want you to close your eyes and allow this truth to penetrate deep into your heart and soul.
God loves you, and His love for you never changes. There is no pit so deep that He can’t pull you out of.
The Bible says that God’s unfailing love is as vast as the heavens and that His faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds (Psalm 36:5). Can you even imagine how much He loves you?
I know this can be hard to believe when you’re in anguish. Remember, though, that you don’t need a lot of faith to trust God. You only need faith as small as a mustard seed to believe in God’s ability. All you have to do is take that teeny weeny mustard seed faith and push through your troubles, trusting the God of the universe to take care of you. He is in control and promises to bring good from your difficulties.
Hope that is strong is a hope in a stable God, a God that never changes.
Trust in a God that never changes (Numbers 23:19). He loves you with a love that has no end to it. He is a God that never wastes a sorrow but brings beauty from ashes.
As you journey through the hardships of life, put your hand in His and surrender all your burdens to Him. Allow His grace and mercy to envelop and give you fresh hope.
Your strength will come as you allow His promises written in His Word to minister truth to your aching heart. If you have to, force yourself to read God’s Word, the Bible. If you don’t know what to read, start with the Psalms. You will see that even David, who wrote most of the Psalms, had challenges in his walk with God. Just as David did, you can always have hope in God. Always!
Please feel free to share any Scriptures that have helped you through a difficult season. Click here to read 11 promises of God that I have picked to give you hope.
Long ago the Lord said to Israel:
“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.
With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” ~ Jeremiah 31:3.
¹(adapted from Jim Berg; Quieting a Noisy Soul)
Photo 2 credit: Nikki Randall Photography
This is the best news, Tweeny! God IS faithful, even when it feels as though our world is falling apart. May you feel His presence every day and when you don’t, TRUST in the knowledge that He will never leave you You are dearly loved by our Lord and by me!
Yes it is the best news Debbie! Our hope is always in Jesus Christ, not in our circumstances. Love you too sis~
It is easy to say God loves us when everything is honky dory but what when it it is just the opposite. The more we know Him the more we trust Him and that is evident in your testimony of Him. The Lord can identify with us in our sorrows because He has been there. What a praise to the one who is our Mighty Counselor. Healing and restoration is in store on those who waits on Him. Believing and trusting Him with you, sister.
Thank you so much my dear sister. I am eternally grateful for your iron sharpening iron friendship. You have been Jesus’s heart (arms and legs, ears and voice) for me on so many occasions. I love you so much.
Good words, Tweeny! Praying for you to experience this love, peace and faithfulness that comes only from Jesus this Christmas.
Thank you Lisa. Thankful for your prayers. May His presence be very real for you as well. 🙂
Thank you, Mama R <3
Love you girl! 🙂