“The reason why many are still troubled, still seeking, still making little forward progress is because they haven’t yet come to the end of themselves. We’re still trying to give orders, and interfering with God’s work within us. ” ~ A.W.Tozer
Many years ago I was an extremely troubled woman. My marriage had unravelled completely, as did the rest of my life.
In an attempt to numb my pain, I stopped eating and went down to a size zero. I also began to drink alcohol excessively. My warped thinking was that behaving in destructive ways would somehow alter my circumstances.
It wasn’t until I invited Jesus to come live inside my heart and I began reading His Word that my life changed. I also started going to a 12 step recovery group. I was sick and tired of feeling hopeless, and made a decision to became serious about seeking after the abundant life that Jesus promises (John 10:10).
As I began my journey towards restoration, one of the first lessons I learned was how critical it is to fully rely on God through all of life’s challenges.
There is healing when you surrender your situation to God … when you let go.
I learned that the more I gave my husband and my marital situation up to God, the more peace I found. Surrendering, however, is no easy task. It takes an act of our will. We have to intentionally resolve to submit to God. It isn’t something that just happens to us.
Generally speaking, change doesn’t come until we are really sick of living in our own strength. I had reached the point where I was fed up with worrying about my marriage and my husband.
Living, thinking that I had control over my circumstances, was exhausting.
I had to learn how to let go and let God be in charge. What this meant was becoming aware of my every thought and re-directing them when necessary. In 2 Corinthians 10:5 we are told we must “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” Practicing self-control, and refusing to entertain every thought that enters your mind, is how the process of surrendering to God works.
Learning to filter each thought and emotion through the Holy Spirit takes time, and a lot of practice. At first you may have to surrender every minute of your day, and that’s okay.
The rewards of living your life yielded to God is incredibly healing. I found the more I re-focused my attention on the things that God wanted for me, the more I was able to grasp the truth that God would take care of me. I was acknowledging God in all my ways and trusting that He would set my path straight (Proverbs 3:6). I realized I possessed little control over my circumstances.
I found freedom when I let go of the idea that I had control over my life.
As you lay down your own desires and submit yourself to God’s will, peace becomes a constant companion. The opposite is true as well. When I tried to hold on to my husband and my marriage, the more miserable I would be. The more I let go of them … and the more I allowed GOD to have all control … the more peace and stability I had.
As you spend time with Jesus, your love for Him will increase. And the more your thought life is focused toward Him, the less you will be focused on your circumstances. Work to continually do this, and you will begin to naturally let go of your situation. You will then be living out Romans 8:6 by allowing the Spirit of God to control your mind which then leads to peace.
No matter what heartache or struggle you are facing today, choose to surrender it to God. Allow Him to fill you up with His strength, joy, and peace. Letting go of all control, and letting Him have full reign over your life, will help you heal. You can then begin to enjoy the abundant life that Jesus wants for you.
What do you need to let go of today? Are you willing to re-direct your thoughts towards Jesus?
“Furthermore, because we are united with Christ, we have received an inheritance from God, for He chose us in advance, and He makes everything work out according to His plan.” ~ Ephesians 1:11
Well said. Not easy to do but an important discipline to develop. Thanks!
This one hit me right between the eyes, Twenny. Earlier tonight I had to seek forgiveness from God and from the person to whom I spilled out my troubles today. It was all in my effort to try to control something only God can accomplish. I am going to surrender this relationship to the Lord and “take every thought captive” as soon as it pops in my head. I can do it only through the power of the Holy Spirit and not my own. Thanks for a motivating post!
Thanks for sharing Debbie. I love your honesty. 🙂
Wow – your words, through Christ, spoke straight to my heart and current situation too! I keep turning my situations over to Him – giving Him all of me – mind, heart, actions. Praying He will take it all and change me because for far too long I lived my life trying to be in control of all. You’re right, there is freedom in submitting to God’s will – learning to live in faith and trusting Him. Thank you for sharing the wisdom God gives you. It is so encouraging!
Thank you so much for sharing Lolly. Your vulnerability before the Lord is so refreshing. Love you sis!
Such truth and wisdom Tweeney! Thank you for being obedient and listening and allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through you. One part that captured my attention was this…Learning to filter each thought and emotion through the Holy Spirit takes time, and a lot of practice. At first you may have to surrender every minute of your day, and that’s okay.
One reason why I can be timid and even a bit unsure about surrendering all to Him is I think it’ll be taken away. At times, a person can get so focused and only see the negative effects instead of the possibilities of what Christ can do when they give everything.
Keep speaking His truth…people are listening…..He’s making an impact through this blog!
Thank you for sharing. It isn’t easy letting go and trusting God. I encourage you to keep doing it in all areas of your life. Thank you so much for your constant encouragement to me. You bless me so much. 🙂
A very timely word for my life! I’m in a season of transition and need to learn to better surrender. Love you Mama Randall!
Thanks sweet girl. Love you so much!