“As we make our resolutions for the year ahead, let us go forward with great hope that all things can be possible—with Your help and guidance.” ~ Anonymous
In a few days, a new year will be upon us. I always have mixed emotions this time of year. On one hand I feel excited to think of what God has in store for me and my loved ones in the upcoming year, and on the other hand I feel a nostalgia thinking of how I spent the past year.
I find myself wondering, did I grow much spiritually in the last year? I ask myself, what was the Lord able to do with me in this last year?
Was the kingdom of Christ advanced in any way through me this last year?
I did mentor a few women, and I blogged consistently. I also prayed daily for my family and for others.
What about you? How did you help advance the kingdom of God this past year? How will you allow Him to use you for the upcoming year?
Some time this week, take the time to reflect long and hard on how God can help you in 2015 to help advance His kingdom here on earth. I’m a big believer in writing things down, so get a pen and paper and write, “In 2015 I will allow God to use me in any way He wants to.”
Spend some time being still with God and ask Him to show you what you can be doing for the kingdom. Ask Him to show you the ministry He has for you.
It may be the ministry of raising your children, or staying in a difficult marriage. It could be that He wants to use you at your work place, or in your college. Maybe, like me, your ministry is to be an intercessory prayer warrior. Never underestimate the power of prayer.
The point is whenever we are Christ-like, in word or deed, we are expanding His Kingdom.
Wherever you are planted, may you blossom for Him. May you be intentional in helping others come to know Him better.
May you allow Him to guide you on the path He has for you. May He give you a strong impression on your heart for what His dreams are for you. May you have the faith to believe that He wants to use you to do mighty things here on earth.
May you say with confidence that in 2015 you will allow God to use you to advance His kingdom here on earth.
Please leave me a comment below on how you can advance His Kingdom in the upcoming year.
“But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you.” ~ 2 Timothy 4:5
A great reminder, and a good challenge for all of us to share what has been freely given.
Amen! So true!
Wonderful message Tweeny! I was very fortunate the other day to have 2 women knock on my door, they wanted to give me a watchtower magazine but instead the Lord wanted me to share the Good News with them, so I did! It was brief but I let them know that Jesus Christ died on the cross so that our sins may be forgiven and by accepting Him as our Savior we can have eternal life in heaven with our Father. The Lord showed me these women are good people, they just needed to hear the Good News! The love and joy that filled my heart as I shared with them was amazing. I can’t believe I was able to be that bold with my faith but through Jesus Christ everything is possible. I am truly excited for what He may have me do for Him in 2015! Thanks for your amazing blogs – they are so helpful and inspiring. Love you sis!
Wow Lolly! I LOVE this!!! Thank you so much for sharing it here. What a powerful way to advance the kingdom of God! You go girl!!! I’m so proud of you. Your love for Jesus blesses my heart so much. God wants to do mighty things through you and your boldness!!! I can’t wait to hear all the stories. I love you my sweet sis!
Thank you sister for all your prayers for me this year. I have been blessed through your prayers, comforted by your sharing of godly insights and encouraged through your example in perseverance. Looking ahead to 2015 with eagerness for more ways the Lord will use us to advance His kingdom. Thank you for that encouragenent and blessing.
Thank YOU for all your prayers for me and my family all these years! Even before I committed my life to Christ you were praying for me, and you never gave up! For that my family and I are eternally grateful. I too look forward to 2015 with eager anticipation for what God has in store for both of us. Love you sis! 🙂