“Some of your greatest blessings come with patience.” ~ Warren Wiersbe
We had been in the waiting room of the car dealership for an hour and a half. That’s a long time to just sit and wait.
We were there with our son who had found a really nice car he liked, but didn’t know if he would get approved for a car loan. He had no previous credit history but with his new job he really needed a car.
“Let’s just leave” said my exhausted husband.
“But don’t you want to know if I was approved?” said my son.
I suggested, “Let’s be patient and see what happens.”
Finally, the sales rep came out. We all jumped up, only to be disappointed by his words, “I’m sorry, but you’ve been denied by the first credit company.” but then he quickly added, “But if you can wait a little longer, I can try another company?”
“Wait a little longer?” That seemed agonizing after having waited for so long already.
We decided, however, to be patient and wait. Two hours later, our son drove out of the dealership with the car he had wanted. Not only that, he was approved for a loan with an extremely low interest rate, and his monthly payments were way below what he had budgeted.
It was a blessing.
This experience made me think about the importance of being patient. I thought to myself, if we had left the dealership because we were tired of waiting, our son would have missed the blessing God had for him.
When we are patient, God blesses.
I know this is a simple example, and the truth is that sometimes it’s extremely hard to be patient.
For example, for some of you it’s hard to stay pure until your marriage. You may be feeling like Mr or Miss right is taking too long. You may begin to justify why it might be okay to give in just a little bit of yourselves, just this once.
Or how about when you have to be patient within your marriage, especially when you’re feeling hopeless, because your spouse is still behaving in selfish ways, making poor choices. And everything in you wants to leave the heartache you’re in.
How about when God seems silent and you don’t sense any purpose for your life? You’ve asked Him and sought Him for an answer, but there seems to be none. Doubt and depression are knocking on your door.
These are but a few examples of real life situations that many face when asked to be patient and wait on God.
James 1:12 says, “God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him.“
When you are in a season of waiting, whether you realize it or not, you are in a trial and your faith is being tested.
It’s not easy to be patient, but I want to encourage you; Whatever you are waiting for, whether it be a spouse, a restored marriage, a job, a better health report, a vision for your life, etc. Be patient. Wait faithfully for the Lord to open the doors of blessings for you.
Often, the miracle we’re longing for is right around the corner when we give up.
If you are in God’s waiting room, don’t give up and miss your blessing. It might help you if you can envision the reward of your patience. For example, imagine the joy and the beauty of remaining pure for your wedding night. Imagine the great calling God has on you when you suffer in a difficult marriage, but you persevere. Picture your dreams coming true, and God opening the doors for your heart’s desires.
If you are patient and wait on the Lord, you will be blessed, but it will be in His perfect timing and in His perfect way.
So, why is it important to be patient? Because when you wait patiently on the Lord, you honor Him. You honor Him because you are trusting Him. You honor Him because you are resting in His goodness, knowing that His timing is always perfect.
And when you honor Him in these ways, He is faithful to honor you back because He is faithful to the faithful (Psalm 18:25).
Please leave me a comment below on what you are patiently waiting on the Lord for?
“Dear brothers and sisters, be patient as you wait for the Lord’s return. Consider the farmers who patiently wait for the rains in the fall and in the spring. They eagerly look for the valuable harvest to ripen.” ~James 5:7
Photo 1 credit: Getty Images
Thanks so much for this Tweeny! You have no idea.
My pleasure! Thanks for commenting to let me know. 🙂
Tweeny, what incredible insight. I am amazed as there is so much I need to learn about patience, specially in times of trials. I am encouraged and your words have left me reflecting on it.
Thank you for your words of encouragement. We all are constantly learning in the area of patience. It’s such a difficult lesson to learn too! 🙂
Thank you Tweeny for this blessed message! You are so right – “wait faithfully”. The Lord gave me so many wonderful gifts early in my walk and I hunger for more. Being a young Christian, I remember easily the instant gratification type lifestyle I lived for so many years – a coat I need to shed in my walk with Jesus Christ! I know waiting patiently brings me closer to Him. Love you sis!
I love you and I love your love for the Lord. Never ever stop searching after Him.
Love this reminder, the image of God’s waiting room, and the message of holding on to hope a little longer. It made me think of Psalm 27:14…Wait for The Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD! Thanks, Tweeny!
I love that verse too!!! Thank you for sharing it here. You’re a gem. Love ya~