“Faith goes up the stairs that love has built and looks out the windows which hope has opened.” ~ Charles Spurgeon
When I think of a new year beginning, I think of the word “hope.”
Every new year brings with it a sense of new hope. A new year to pursue and fulfill your dreams.
As I do every new year, I ask myself, what am I hoping for this year? What am I believing God for?
What are you hoping for this year?
In order to have hope we have to have faith. We have to believe in the God of the impossible, the God of miracles.
In Matthew 14:22-31 there is a story about the disciples who were out at sea when a terrible storm comes. They were filled with fear. Then Jesus comes, walking on water, to rescue them. Peter cries out to Jesus, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.” Jesus tells Peter “Yes, come.”
And Peter gets out of the boat and walks on water towards Jesus. Peter had the faith and believed Jesus would help him.
Do you believe that God can help you walk on water?
In Matthew 14:30 the Bible says that when Peter saw the strong winds and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. It wasn’t until Peter took his eyes off of Jesus and began to look at his circumstances (the strong wind and the waves) that he began to sink.
There is a big lesson in this story for us to learn. We can only have hope for our lives, our dreams, our hopes, our desires, if we stay focused on Jesus.
Where is your focus?
In my own life I am hoping to publish a book I have been working on for a few years. This, to me, seems like a huge mountain. It feels like an impossible task. On the days I remind myself that it is for God’s glory that I am writing this book I feel confident and have hope that it will be published. On the days I am living in doubt and fear, thinking of all the steps I have left in order to publish this book, I become overwhelmed and discouraged.
When I think I am in control, I’ve lost my faith in God. When I surrender all control to Him, I’m living expectantly and with hope.
Doubt and fear rob us of our dreams. They are hope stealers (tweet this).
The Bible tells us in Matthew 17:20, “if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.” Have you ever seen a mustard seed? It is miniscule. In other words you don’t have to be some powerful warrior to have faith.
You just have to put your faith in Jesus.
This year decide to put all your hope, your dreams, your desires, and your expectations in Jesus Christ. Lean on Him through prayer, communion, and reading His Word. Trust Him to give you strength and courage. Trust His guidance. Trust His perfect timing. Trust Him with every detail in reaching your dreams.
Yes, He is a God of miracles, but He needs you to do your part. God is not some magic wand that we can wave to have our dreams fulfilled. We have to be responsible and do our part.
Are you willing to do your part?
Take His hand, look deep into His eyes, and have the faith to believe that you too can walk on water.
Please leave me a comment below on what you are believing God for in this new year.
“You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it.” ~ Matthew 18:22
Photo Credit: Google Images
Thank you Tweeny. Very encouraging message for the beginning of this new year 2014. Jesus is the Liight in all our storms. Blessings to you and your family. Walking in His Strength, susana
Dear Susana,
I’m happy that my blog post could encourage you. That’s my hearts desire. You shine His light so brightly! Blessings to you and your family too my dear.
Wow, great post reminding us of such a simple yet difficult thing to do-trust in Him and His promise if hope. Thank you!
Thanks Will for your continuous support of me and my writings. I really appreciate it and you. 🙂
Thank you for this lovely post Tweeny. You have hit the nail on the head again with this one. A life lived without hope is just surviving. I personally need hope to grow and to excite my faith so I can see those mountains moving. This year started off for me with the death of a dear friend and 48 year old mother of four beautiful kids. She lived here in my neighborhood and was in my bible study. I watched this beautiful faith filled woman believe and hope to the very end that she would receive a miracle. As she hoped month after month she also emptied herself of the expectations she had when she first received her cancer diagnosis in March of 2013. Things didn’t go the way she planned from the start. It was one of those times in life when things are so out of control, so unexpected and so disappointing that we need to trust God and keep hoping hour by hour. She passed Away on December 29th, 2013 just 9 months after her diagnosis. Her youngest child is in 4th grade. With no voice left her friends witnessed her mouthing the words “God is good” before she became unresponsive. Even on the eve of her passing to eternity she knew that the God she had put her trust and hope in would not disappoint her. His ways are higher than our ways. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. One of the verses I cling to at times like these is Romans 8:28. God will cause all things to work together for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purposes. This is the God I place my hope in. Hope and loving others is my focus for this New Year. Thanks for reminding us our hope is placed in the God that says,” with me all things are possible.” God bless you and your readers this year,
Julie S.
Dear Julie,
Thank you so much for sharing here. I am sorry for your loss. What you wrote is so beautiful and touching. Your friend, Debbie, sounds like a very strong woman of God. To be able to give Him praise in her situation is a good example of how we can all have hope until the very end of our lives. Debbie has left an impact on many people’s lives, mine included (and I’ve never met her). May the Lord comfort you and all that knew her. May we all learn from her to be able to say at all times, “God is good.” I love you sis~
Tweeny, once again I am refreshed in The Word through your writing! I thank God for all the miracles he has bestowed upon my life – faith and hope help me to grow closer to Him. My prayers are with you and your “dream” of publishing your book. Through Him all things are possible! Love you sis!
Thank you so much for encouraging me. You bless me so much!!! Thank you also for your prayers. I know I have to put my hope in Christ and believe that ALL things are possible with Him. Love you lots sis~
Hope. What a wonderful reminder, my dear sister. In 2014, I hope my conviction of our Lord’s presence will drive me to do things I never dream of doing because I have such a small heart. I am asking Him to enlarge my heart and hope to see where He will lead me. Thanks to Julie who shared about this sister we will meet someday that has left an indelible mark of faith for us in terms of following Him to the end.
Thank you for your comment. Your faith has always been an inspiration to me sister. Thank you for always walking by faith and for showing me what it means to put my hope in an all trusting God. Love you~
Such an inspiring blog and inspirational comments from many – thank you all !
I am facing choices in my career path and have been praying hard for God to open and shut doors regarding my future – so thankful to have read this post and will be leaning even more on our dear Lord !!
Dear Pinch,
It’s been such a blessing watching God move in your life. Grateful that you know Him now and choose to live in His ways. You can never go wrong if you stay focused on Him. I love you~