“Jealousy takes root in the soil of insecurity.” – Beth Moore
Have you ever wanted something someone else had and felt jealous of them?
Recently, someone I know announced that they had received something that I myself have wanted for quite some time. I am embarrassed to admit this, but I felt jealous.
The envy that stirred up in my heart really surprised and disturbed me. Honestly, I’m not a person that usually struggles with jealousy.
It also provoked me to take an honest look at the condition of my heart. Jeremiah 17:9 says, “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?” Being jealous of others comes from the belief that others have something you want and need in order to be fully satisfied.
My covetous feelings were a wake up call, reminding me of my wickedness and, therefore, my need for a Savior. Without Him I am a sinner through and through and fall short every time of His glorious standards (Romans 3:23). I am so grateful for His unending grace.
Jealousy is a sin (Galations 5:20).
When we are envious of others we insult God (tweet this).
Our jealous heart is, in a sense, saying to Him, “I do not trust that You have a good plan for my life.”
Our covetousness is an expression of discontentment in God. On a deeper level, we are expressing an insecurity of His love for us because we are not trusting His plan for our lives.
So what is the solution for our jealous hearts?
There are four steps we can take to mend our “wicked” hearts.
1. Be alert and confess
The first step in curing our jealous hearts is to be aware of the condition of it.
We cannot confess our sin until we have an awareness of what our sin is. The power of confession is huge. Through confession we can begin the process of seeing ourselves honestly.
Confess to God and to someone you trust that you feel jealous.
Being specific with what you are feeling envious about will shine God’s light on your situation and will be a healing balm for your heart.
2. Stop thinking about yourself
In 1 Corinthians 13:4-5 it says that love is not jealous and that it does not demand its own way.
Being selfish and thinking about our own needs all the time does not honor God. God wants us to think of others first and to be compassionate towards them. He wants us to be be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep (Romans 12:15).
When we feel jealous of what others have, there isn’t room to rejoice with them. Through prayer, however, we can receive mercy and grace to change our jealousy into joy for what God is doing in the lives of others.
3. Focus on your own blessings
God is good. He is good to all of us and He is good all the time.
His favor is upon all of His children because He has no favorites. This means that He blesses each of us in His own perfect way and in His own perfect timing.
Keep in mind also, that blessings from God aren’t always materialistic. Blessings from God can be found in His presence, through His peace, His protection, His provisions, His strength, His unconditional love, etc.
When we are jealous of someone else we are taking our eyes off of our blessings and looking instead at the other person’s blessings.
Gratitude lists are healthy and can bring joy and healing. Everything you have is a gift from Him. Spend time daily thanking Him for the many blessings He has poured into your life.
4. Trust God with all your heart
Last, but certainly not least, we need to learn to trust God with all of our heart. True freedom comes in trusting Him with 100% of our hearts, nothing less. I personally struggle with this and have to work very hard at surrendering completely to His sovereignty.
We must trust in the Lord with all our heart and not depend on our own understanding. And we must seek His will in all we do (Proverbs 3:5-6). Did you catch that? It’s His will we trust, not our own.
Be secure in God’s faithfulness and in His love for you. He has a unique plan for you that He promises to fulfill (Philippians 1:6).
As I applied these four concepts to my own situation the other day I felt my heart soften as God’s love and grace poured over me. Instead of envy, an overwhelming peace filled me up. I felt joy as I was then able to pray for the people I was feeling jealous of.
May your hearts be tender towards all that He has for you and may you allow Him to release you from the bondage of jealousy as you immerse yourself in the security of His love.
Please leave me a comment below on how you have handled jealousy in your life.
“For jealousy and selfishness are not God’s kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and demonic.“~ James 3:15
Photo Credit: Google Images
ouch! hurts to read the above post becuase it cuts right to the core…selfishness and not trusting God’s plan for my life. Truly am amazed how the Lord continues to draw us rag-a-muffins back to Him. Amazing love how can it be…
Thank you for breaking it down and explaining what to do when we slip into this pit of jealousy. Tweeney, you have a divine gift of using words to convict (in a loving way) comfort and encourage others. (sorry, couldn’t think of another ‘c’ word now) Our jealous heart is, in a sense, saying to Him, “I do not trust that You have a good plan for my life.” That phrase above spoke volumes to me. Appreciate you speaking truth and His wisdom in this blog! Please know you are a tremondous blessing!
Dear Elizabeth~ your words brought tears to my eyes. Thank your for encouraging me. I never know if what I write impacts anyone, and so to read what you have written is a big blessing to me. Thank you!!! I too am amazed by God’s unending love and grace for us. It is amazing Love. What I love about you Elizabeth, is how willing you are to be open and vulnerable to whatever the Lord may have for you. I love how you write these comments on my blog post-raw, honest and so sweetly. God bless you dear~
Thank you for putting things in a godly perspective. Jealously can be a sin we easily dismiss thinking no one sees it. Thank God for the convicting power of the Holy Spirit and for you as an example of a woman after God’s own heart.
Sweet Jessica~ Thanks for commenting and for always encouraging me. I am so grateful for you my dear friend and sister in faith. I love you so much~