For the last few days my family and I have been watching the news intensely, following the story of the Boston Bombings. We were relieved to see justice being done when both men that committed such a heinous crime were caught.
So many lives changed forever because of evil.
I find myself thinking a lot about questions I may never know the answers to. Questions such as why would two young men commit such a senseless crime and why is there so much hatred in the world?
The reality is that evil is a part of life. There is, however, also a lot of good in this world too. We just don’t focus on it as much.
Although the blame is ultimately on the individual criminals and there will always be wickedness, you and I can have a positive influence in this world.
There are many that hate because they have never experienced love. They are choosing evil because they have never tasted good.
Psalm 34:8 says “Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!”
The world is full of darkness because the world doesn’t know the depth of God’s love.
As followers of Christ we need to open our eyes and be aware of every single person God puts in our pathway- our neighbors, a co-worker, someone you go to school with, your children’s teacher, the people at your grocery store, etc.
We are to be Jesus with flesh on to every single human being we come in contact with.
This world needs love.
This world needs encouragement.
This world needs hope.
Since the media emphasizes cruelty in the world, many are left feeling like the world is nothing but evil. Many live in fear and trembling, thinking we are all doomed.
People need to see that there is good in this world too (Tweet this).
We, as followers of Christ, are God’s vessels to deliver this message. Let others see that your security and strength is found in the goodness of God.
Jesus came to show the world that He is the great Victor (Romans 8:37). He is the light of the world.
If you and I do our part, we can help others to see that light in this hurting world.
Take that extra step, get out of your comfort zone and love like Jesus does.
Like Ghandi said, “Be the change you wish to see.”
Here are some little things we can do to make a big difference in this world:
1. Never Stop Praying
Pray more often and more faithfully (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
Pray for the people God has placed in your circle. Ask Him to show you what you can do to show them His love.
Pray for your nation and the world.
2. Smile Easily
This may seem silly, but have you ever noticed how little people smile? A smile is a simple and yet very loving act.
3. Encourage and Compliment Often
Be intentional about blessing others. Try to say something encouraging to as many people in a day as possible.
Compliment on the smallest things.
May the Lord give you courage and boldness to reach out to those He has strategically placed in your life. May you allow His Spirit to lead you as you show His heart to a hurting and frightened world. May you be filled with His grace, peace and joy. Most importantly, may you love others genuinely and deeply.
I also pray for all the victims, their family and friends that have been affected by crimes of violence. May they find comfort and strength during their time of grief. May they come to know Jesus personally and intimately, through whom healing and hope is found.
Please leave me a comment on what little step you can can do to be a positive influence in society.
“Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.” ~ 1 Peter 4:8.
Photo Credit: Google Images
You always share practical, biblical hope! I believe your comment is the key, “The world is full of darkness because the world doesn’t know the depth of God’s love.” If we only understood how much God loves us, our lives would change. People would respond with faith in God and a desire to share His love with others. We would praise more than provoke. We would compliment more than complain. Personally, I’m praying Ephesians 3:17-19 for myself and others–that we might be able to comprehend His great love. Excellent post, Tweeny.
You are always such an encourager to me. Thank you so much. Thank you also for sharing that you pray Ephesians 3:17-19. LOVE those verses. You are a blessing to me Arlene.
Great word honey. I especially like the reminder that a simple smile can encourage warmth in others. We do need to be a difference in this world as followers of Christ!
Thanks honey. Love you~
Thank you for the encouragement to be intentional about blessing others. As we have ourselves been so blessed by Him we ought to bless others. Yes indeed, we are called to bear His light. What great spiritual insights from your writing.
Thank you my dear friend. YOU are a big blessing in my life. 🙂
Mrs. Randall
This is totally on target with what the Lord’s been talking to me about in regards to my job at Starbucks. I have always seen Starbucks as my mission field. Recently he’s been emphasizing the theme salt and light to those who don’t know Jesus. I saw your blog and totally knew God was encouraging yet again to speak boldly about the Lord to those in need of him. I was encouraged and blessed! Love you!
Dear Katie,
It is truly my pleasure to be able to encourage and bless you through this blog post. You are right on about Starbucks being your mission field. Wherever God has us is our mission field-even a stay at home mom or a student etc. May God give you the boldness, courage to speak of His great love to all that come into your Starbucks. Thanks for commenting. Love you~