Nothing challenges our faith more than having to wait on the Lord for answers to our prayers.
We dislike waiting because waiting requires patience.
Being patient does not come easily or naturally for most of us, and therefore, having to practice it for an extended period of time can seem so daunting.
Even though the Bible has a lot to say about patience, and even though patience is one of the fruit of the Spirit (Galations 5:22-23), we tend to resist trusting God with our circumstances, feeling uncomfortable when we don’t have control over them.
We tend to see waiting on God as a disappointing time of life and/or as a burden.
Waiting on the Lord, however, does not have to be a frustrating time. It can be a season of reflection and spiritual growth.
If you allow God to lead you, you can learn a lot during a waiting season.
It can, however, be a long process, so be patient, my dear.
I am currently in a season of waiting on the Lord. I am waiting to find out if our daughter will be accepted into her first choice of college. This is an excellent school for her and I’m really hoping she will be accepted.
Last week she received a letter from the college telling her she has been put on a “delayed decision” list.
Hence begins our wait. We now have to wait until April 1st.
Some of you have been waiting on the Lord for a long time.
Some of you are waiting on the Lord for a relationship to be restored, or you’re waiting for Mr.or Miss Right to show up.
Some of you are waiting for positive test results from your doctor’s office.
Others of you are waiting for a job opening.
There are many different things that we don’t have any control over and we have to, therefore, trust God for the outcome.
Here are some guidelines to encourage you as you wait on the Lord:
1. Focus on God’s character
Waiting on the Lord can be a time of getting to know God more deeply. Use this season to really learn who God is.
Learn more about Him through reading His Word, prayer and meditation.
Waiting on the Lord means to rest in His perfect timing. Psalm 37:7 says “Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for Him to act.“
Waiting on the Lord means trusting in God and His goodness. Lamentations 3:25 says, “The Lord is good to those who depend on Him, to those who search for Him.”
When you capture with your heart that God is loving and He is sovereign, and when you realize that He wants only the best for you, you will then have an inner peace. It will become easier to fully surrender yourself and your circumstances to Him.
2. Develop your own faith
Waiting on the Lord can be a time of learning more about yourself – a season to strenghten your faith.
It’s a good time to examine and evaluate your own self: your motives, attitudes, values, priorities, goals and objectives in life.
Most importantly, it’s a time of asking God to show you what’s in your heart. Psalm 139:23-24 says “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.”
Be still enough to hear what God may have to reveal to you about your character. Do you wrestle with fear, worry, selfishness, pride, and/or unbelief? These will rob you of the peace and joy God wants for you.
Allow the Holy Spirit to show you what area of your character He wants you to develop.
God is always trying to refine you, and He uses the seasons of waiting to do just that.
So whatever you are seeking God for, rest in His loving, compassionate arms. Allow Him to strengthen not only your faith but also your character.
Use this time as an opportunity to deepen your relationship with Jesus.
Always check your motives. In Proverbs 16:2 we are reminded that God always examines our motives. He doesn’t want us to be selfish, but rather that we would be self-less.
As you wait on God, seek after His will, not your own.
Never lose hope.
Never stop praying.
Always be thankful.
Please leave me a comment below on what is the most challenging thing for you in regards to waiting on the Lord.
“Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.” ~ Romans 12:12
Photo Credit: Google Images
LOVE this! Such words of wisdom. I’m also in a similar season of waiting…waiting to find out from Moody! Praying for Nikki and you in this season of waiting. Praise God that He is so faithful!
Thanks for the encouragement Allison, and thanks for your prayers. I’ll be praying for you too. You’re right, Praise God for He is good and He is faithful. I’m meditating on the woman in the picture I posted in this blog. I love how she is in the hammock-I want to be like her during this season of waiting-just relaxing, resting in Jesus’s peace. 🙂
This posting has so, so many good points to ponder and scriptures to study – I am going to read this over and over many times to absorb it fully !! Thanks dear sister for sharing so much insight-fullness ! I think one of my personal challenges is to stay still enough to hear all of what the Lord has for me – emotional distractions, mental distractions and over thinking often make it difficult for me to tune into God and to “know my heart” – however your words here have already helped me grow closer to Him and helping me improve in seeing / feeling His Will ! God Bless you Tweeny !!
My dearest brother Pinch,
I really appreciate your feedback here, and I am so grateful that my words could encourage you. I like the point you make about over thinking things. I believe many do this. This is why it is important to hold every thought captive to the obedience of Christ Jesus. This is a discipline we all can be better at. I am so proud of you bro. You are working so hard at becoming more like Jesus. It’s beautiful to witness. May the Lord continue to guide your steps daily. I love you~ Tweeny