If you are a person that tends to worry, one of the hardest things to correct in your life is to not worry.
I know because I have spent most of my life worrying. I praise God for bringing me a long ways from the obsessive worrier I use to be.
Even though I have made a lot of progress and don’t fret as much about things as I use to, I still have the tendency to worry.
Worrying is nothing but a habit, a bad habit.
I worry mostly about that which is near and dear to me and that is my children.
I also worry about things that I think bring security, such as our finances.
I can sometimes worry about my future, thinking about my health and if it will hold up for me to enjoy my grandchildren.
How about you? What do you worry about?
There is absolutely nothing good that comes out of worrying. In fact, the Old English root of the word “worry” means “to strangle.” And guess WHO it’s strangling? That’s right, you.
Worry has physical consequences, such as headaches, neck pains, ulcers, back pains, and the list goes on and on.
And then there’s the emotional relapses from this anguish -depression, anxiety, insecurity to name a few.
So why do we worry?
I believe most of us worry because of some deep rooted fear that leads us to have a false sense of control. (Tweet this).
Another way to put it is that we fear something and then we think we can control that something and so we worry in the hopes of figuring out how to control it.
Sound crazy? That’s because it is.
At the root of our anguish is the fear that God won’t show up. We are very subtly believing a lie that God will not provide or take care of us and our situation.
Basically worrying is a lack of faith.
Worrying is one of Satan’s traps for God’s people. If we spend our time fearing this or that, then we won’t be able to be the victorious warriors for the Kingdom of God that we are.
Worry zaps our joy.
Worry zaps our freedom.
Worry zaps our time.
Worry steals, kills and destroys all that God has and wants for you
The only way to have victory over worry is to surrender it over to God.
Surrender it every minute of the day if you have to.
Trust in Jesus’s power in your life, not your own (1 Corinthians 2:5)
You will have to make a conscious choice of talking to Him about everything that is bothering you. So keep talking to Jesus and you will experience His peace replace your concerns.
Philippians 4:6-7 says: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”
It’s a choice to worry or not.
Control your thoughts.
Live in the present.
Focus on the facts that you have in front of you.
Surrender to God, pray and thank Him.
May the Lord bless you with His peace as you trust in Him with every detail of your life.
Leave me a comment below on what you worry about and on how you handle your concerns.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.” ~ Proverbs 3:5-6
Photo credit: google images
Amen Sister! Right on target! Our Father does not want us to worry about anything, but to leave it all in his hands. This is so hard for us to do. I think everyone worries about something sometimes, but it is actually a sin.
You are right, it means we are not trusting Him with every detail of our life. He loves us incredibly and has the perfect plan for each of us. Sometimes, we are so foolish! Love the scriptures you listed, 2 of my all time favorites! Actually life verses for me. Now, if I can only apply this to my every day. Easier said than done.
I am grateful to be on this journey seeking God every day with you my friend. Keep writing!
My dear friend Sherry,
What would I do without you and your encouragement? I am so grateful for your feedbacks to my blogs and for your encouragement to keep writing. THANK YOU!!! I love how you pointed out that worrying is actually a sin. I didn’t mention that in my blog and am wondering if I should go back and add it in. Those two verses are my two life verses as well. You are right, it’s about actually applying them to our lives. So challenging at times to do.
I love and appreciate you sweet sister~
I’d like to share a poem from my book “Open the Door to Another Realm.” It follows my journey to overcome worry.
Eyes pop open/Tasks parade across my mind’s screen
Problems plunk down on my chest
An invisible vice squeezes my head
Muscles tighten
Sleep eludes me.
A soft voice whispers/Remember the gift I gave you?
I fumble and flounder as I unwrap the gift of faith
My focus changes; centers on HIM
Creator, Provider, Protector, Lord,
You are strong and generous
You provide strength
You are wise and creative
You solve problems much better than I do
Eyes close/Praises march
Weights dissipate/Pressures ease
Muscles relax
Thanks for the gift, I whisper.
Suddenly it’s morning.
copyright 2007, Arlene Knickerbocker
Wow Tweeny! THANK YOU!!! Not sure why this older blog of yours popped up today, but it did. As well as the Phillipians verse on my daily verse app! I have been feeling very anxious lately, and needed this reminder to “keep talking to Jesus”. Thank you!! Love reading all your blogs, by the way. So happy God has placed you in my life!!!
Thank YOU Jami! I am so glad you left me a comment to let me know that my post on The Remedy for Worrying was helpful to you. It popped up because from time to time I post blog posts from the archives. I guess this one was meant for you. 🙂 I’m so glad! If you like reading my posts why don’t you sign up to receive notifications of new blog posts via email? I too am so grateful to God that He put you in my life! You are a gem. 🙂