Most of us when we hear that someone is “needy” immediately think of that person in a negative way.
We will think of them as weak and consider their weakness as a “bad” thing.
Society has taught us that being needy equates to being weak, helpless, clingy, wanting, and dependent.
These are all looked upon as negative traits. To admit that you are needy will make others uncomfortable.
In God’s economy, however, there is freedom in admitting that we are needy.
It is good to be aware of our weaknesses as humans and to be needy of God and His grace. We ought to be helpless, clingy, wanting, and dependent for the grace of a Savior.
We ought to be dependent on God (John 6:47-50) and on one another as the body of Christ (Romans 12:5).
And this is a good thing.
The truth is that Jesus came to die for us (Romans 5:8) and to save us from death.
We are all born sinners and it is our sin that separates us from God.
What this means is that it is in our human nature to be sinful. So, even the nicest, kindest, most spiritual person is born a sinner. There is nothing any of us can do to change this fact.
Romans 3:23 says “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.”
Praise be to Jesus Christ for bridging the gap between God and us (1 Corinthians 15:1-8).
The sooner you acknowledge your need for a Savior the closer you are to living a life of freedom.
Jesus said that apart from Him, we can do nothing (John 15:5). This is so true because everything we have is from God (1 Corinthians 4:7).
Apart from Christ we have nothing, we are nothing and we, therefore, can do nothing.
When we are surrendered to God in this way there is freedom.
Many of us, however, will unconsciously or consciously believe that we need to have control over our lives.
I believe this is because of pride.
Pride has very severe consequences and we can never be close to God through our pride. In fact, Satan was thrown out of Heaven because of his pride issues (Isaiah 14:12-15). He was so prideful (and arrogant) that he actually thought he could replace God.
Pride is one of the biggest reason many don’t open their hearts and allow Jesus in. To be able to admit that one is needy, weak, helpless, wanting and dependent for a Savior takes humility.
Pride takes credit away for what God has accomplished and puts credit on ourselves.
Pride says I don’t need anyone-not God and not others.
Pride says I can do this in my own strength.
The truth is that the only cure for our pride issue is admitting we are needy.
When we can admit that we are selfish by nature and want only to please our own fleshly desires, then we can admit our human frailty.
When we can admit to our human weakness, we can then admit that we need God.
When we can admit that we need God then we can walk in peace and freedom because we know we are hopeless and helpless without Him.
Are you able to accept your neediness?
Are you able to see that without God’s grace you are miserable?
Admit your need for a Savior. Admit your need for Jesus.
Admit it with great joy.
It is a beautiful thing to walk in dependency on the Savior of the Universe.
It is a beautiful thing to admit that you cannot live without Him and that you need Him with everything in you.
Rejoice in your weakness.
His grace is sufficient.
May He be the very breath you breathe and may you always acknowledge your need for His power in your life.
Are you able to admit your need for a Savior or is it a challenge for you? Have you opened your heart and given all control to Jesus Christ? Please leave me a comment or write me an email and share your thoughts with me.
“But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much, that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead. (It is only by God’s grace that you have been saved!)” ~ Ephesians 2: 4-5
Good thoughts, Tweeny. I agree. The world’s way of thinking is directly opposite of God’s. Our culture values independence, yet God created us to depend on Him and live interdependent lives with one another.
Thanks Arlene. I appreciate your feedback. The world will always say the opposite of what God will encourage. It’s why it is so challenging to follow Jesus’s ways.