Why is it so important as followers of Christ’s to be people of our word?
In a world where most people struggle to feel secure, Jesus calls us to be people that are trustworthy and reliable.
We need to be like Jesus. And He is true to His Word. Always.
When you don’t follow through on a promise,you lose your credibility.
We all mean well when we make a commitment. Even if it’s a small vow, like “I’ll help you with that project next week” or “I’ll give you a call soon.”
I’m not saying people are bad when they make promises and then can’t keep them.
We all do that from time to time.
I do think, however, that it is important to be aware of the seriousness of being true to your word.
You are presenting Jesus’s reputation to the world around you.
If we can’t be trusted with the small promises we make, how can we be trusted with the gospel message?
The bible tells us in Matthew 5:37 “Just say a simple, ‘Yes, I will,’ or ‘No, I won’t.’ Anything beyond this is from the evil one.”
In James 5:12 it says “But most of all, my brothers and sisters, never take an oath, by heaven or earth or anything else. Just say a simple yes or no, so that you will not sin and be condemned.”
We ought to learn to think before we make a promise to someone. Be sure that you can follow through.
We need to earn the trust of other people at a basic level before we can bring them to believe in the message of Jesus Christ.
It starts with being honest- following through with what we say we will or won’t do.
I believe the reason we make promises we can’t keep is because we don’t want to disappoint others. We want others to like us and are afraid if we say no they won’t like us. We are being people pleasers.
We need to be God pleasers.
It honors God when we are honest people.
It honors God when our yes means yes and our no means no.
It honors God when we keep our word.
By being faithful to little promises you will be a person of integrity.
A person of integrity is honest.
A person of integrity follows through with their word.
A person of integrity can be trusted.
Let’s be this type of person.
Let’s be people that represent Jesus accurately.
How are you with keeping your word? Is this an area of struggle for you?
“Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children.”~ Ephesians 5:1
Love this! You are absolutely right on track (as usual). Thanks for reminding us to be His people, of honesty and trust. We must try to represent Him in everything we do and say. Thank for today’s insight! Love you girl!
Thanks Sis. I appreciate your continuous support and encouragement. Love you girl!!!
Tweens,AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know I’ve fallen short in this regard!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love in CHRIST,mary
Thanks for commenting. We all fall short in this area from time to time. I know you and you definitely are a person of your word!!! Love you sis~
We are presenting Jesus reputation to the world indeed when we are honest. It is a proof we are His children. This should make us careful in what we say. Thank you, Tweeny for this encouragement.
Thank YOU for your encouragement and for commenting. It has encouraged me. Love you~
So full of truth. A church leader once promised my son he would take him to McDonalds if he memorized several Bible verses. My son had a learning problem and worked super hard to memorize the verses, but the leader never followed through. We took him–but it wasn’t the same. This was a disappointment, but I’m glad it happened to my son instead of a kid who might have quit church over it.
Great share! Wow! This probably happens often. It really breaks my heart when church leaders especially fall short in this area. I’m sad that your son had to go through that, but I’m so glad you were able to be there for him.
Thanks for commenting~