How do you know the condition of your heart? It’s very difficult to be objective about yourself. This is why it is so critical as followers of Christ to come before God daily and confess your sins to Him.
The Bible says that the words you speak come from the heart (Matthew 15:18).
This means that you cannot fake out people because eventually what is in your heart will show through your words. What you carry inside of you will eventually be coming to the surface. Therefore, we can get a clue of the condition of our hearts by the words we speak.
The words we say can be harmful weapons, hurting and wounding others deeply. At the same time, however, our words can also be like a soothing medicine that brings healing (Proverbs 12:18).
Our words are so important that they can bring death or they can bring life (Proverbs 18:21).
How do you know the condition of your heart?
It’s very difficult to be objective about yourself. This is why it is so critical as followers of Christ to come before God daily and confess your sins to Him. We must be pure before God. We cannot hide from Him.
It is only through the Holy Spirit’s power that what’s going on inside of us can be revealed. Jeremiah 17:9 says this: “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things,and desperately wicked.Who really knows how bad it is?”
Only God can see our hearts.
Only God knows what needs to be weeded out.
Only God can reveal it to us.
But we have to ask Him to show us…
Through confession we can begin the process of seeing ourselves honestly. We have to allow the Holy Spirit to show us where we may be keeping any “garbage” that needs to go out.
Confession is like a pruning a flower. If our hearts are like a beautiful garden, planted and watered by God the Gardener , one way we keep this garden clean is through a life of regular confession.
I believe the reason our words are so hurtful, unkind, critical, discouraging and just plain un-loving is because we are naive and/or ignorant to what is really going on inside of us. Often we don’t even know what are thoughts are.
We keep too much inside without even realizing it. We also don’t share enough with others and/or with God.
For example, not too long ago I remember feeling grumpy and a little short with everyone that crossed my path. I didn’t even notice or pay attention to this fact. The next morning, however, in my quiet time with the Lord, I asked the Lord to show me if there was any sin in my life that I was not aware of (I ask God this habitually).
To my surprise He showed me that I was carrying some hurt and resentment and therefore, some un-forgiveness. It was really eye opening for me because I really thought that I had already processed this and that I had let it go. I was wrong.
After spending some time admitting and confessing this I asked God to forgive me. And then I asked Him to help me.
We cannot trust ourselves, but we can trust the Holy Spirit to show us the condition of our hearts.
For He alone examines our hearts (1 Thessalonians 2:4). He knows us better than we know ourselves.
Our speech will never be gracious, loving and Christ like until we are honest about the posture of our heart. And we can never fully know what shape our heart is in unless God shows us. We can only discover this by spending quality time with God daily, being still and seeking Him on this.
Regular confession is the pathway to a pure heart.
A pure heart is the pathway to pure speech. See how it works? It’s all connected, and it all starts with confession.
I pray you would become serious about seeking God on a regular basis in asking Him to reveal to you what may be lurking within. Do not be deceived into believing all is well. Let the Lord be the mirror that reflects the condition of your heart.
How about you? How often do you seek God to show you if there is anything you may not be aware of that needs to be confessed?
“For we speak as messengers approved by God to be entrusted with the Good News. Our purpose is to please God, not people. He alone examines the motives of our hearts.”~ 1 Thessalonians 2:4
Wonderful read! Encouraging and enlightening! What a coincidence I was just teaching a life class on the importance of confession. God is speaking to those who have ears to hear. You are always a BLESSING!
Dear Sonya,
Thank you so much for your encouragement my friend. I really appreciate it. YOU are always a blessing to me:)
Thanks for the reminder here, Tweeny. Living in a new town and making new friends, I must remember my “… purpose is to please God, not people…” for He alone examines the motives of my heart. Interestingly, God’s put Jews, Muslims, Catholics and other Protestants in my life to share His love with. I can’t talk about my life without mentioning Jesus, yet I don’t want to turn them away. Good thing I am not in control, but can rely on Him.
Dear Debbie,
It is not a coincidence that God has put all those non-believers in your life. You are someone that radiates of His love. I can still remember being a non believer and taking your bible study class. I was in awe of your peace, gentleness and humbleness. Just continue being yourself and the Holy Spirit will do the rest.
Thanks for reading my blogs Debbie. I really appreciate your support:)