Why does God allow suffering?
Why God why? Why do You allow disease, violence, premature death, divorce, to name a few hardships, in life?
This was my question a few years ago when I was facing some debilitating health issues. I was determined to gain understanding of why a God that loved me so much would allow such pain in my life.
My Story
I had been living a perfectly normal life when I began having some problems with my legs. I started noticing that I couldn’t stand or walk for more than 15-20 minutes or my legs would become numb and tingly.
As these symptoms became worse and worse, I realized that I couldn’t ignore the fact that something was seriously wrong.
After an MRI and visits to my internist and neurologist, I was told I had Spinal Stenosis. My neurologist showed it to me on my MRI. I could no longer deny my condition.
A year later and many more doctor appointments, physical therapists and chiropractors later, I discovered that I also have Fibromyalgia and Spondylosthesis. These conditions have dramatically affected my life because I now live with chronic pain. When I first faced these issues it was so shocking to me that I went through a mild depression.
I will confess that I had this warped belief that because I had been “so faithful” to God that He would always protect me from any trial. Isn’t it true that sometimes as Christians we think we ought to get some “special” treatment & never have any trials in life?
After some time and a lot of prayers, it became apparent that my health condition wasn’t changing. This is when I began to seek the Lord on why He was allowing this suffering and pain in my life.
Here is what I have learned about suffering…
There are many possible reasons why we must endure hardships.
It is through our difficulties that we often are broken and left with the realization that so much is out of our control. This realization leads to a heart that will surrender to an Almighty savior.
When we can accept our dependency on God we begin to realize God is the Almighty One, the One that has ALL control. This is why the most powerful words we can pray are as simple as “Lord help me. I can’t do this on my own.”
When we go through deep pain and sorrow we are reminded not only of our vulnerability but also of the fact that we were never meant to get comfortable here on earth. As followers of Christ our home is in heaven where we will spend eternity with Jesus.
But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives~Philippians 3:20
Sometimes it takes a trial in our lives for us to see how much we need God . Often times it is during the times of deepest sorrow and difficulties that we experience God’s presence the most. This is because He is always by our side and He loves us.
My Conclusion: We may never understand why God allows pain and suffering, but we must always trust that He will bring some good out of it.
We may not always understand why we have to go through trials, but we must trust God’s heart. He is a good and faithful God-always.
For just as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so my ways are higher than your ways
and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.~Isaiah 55:9
I pray that you would always focus on God’s character and not on your circumstances. Seek God on what He wants to teach you through your trial.
May you always allow the Lord to carry you through your hard times. He may not take the storms out of your life, but He will definitely carry you through them, if you let Him. One of the most powerful and God honoring things you can do during a difficult season is to say “I don’t understand Lord, but I trust You.”
As Christians, we can always know that God works all things together for good for those who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).
Are you hurting in any way? Please email me and share with me so that I can pray for you.
The Lord is good,
a strong refuge when trouble comes.
He is close to those who trust in Him.~ Nahum 1:7
Love this post! Thank you for being so vulnerable, while sharing your heart. You have learned so much in a short time! Our Father is the best teacher!
If I had the opportunity to add a slight piece of wisdom, that God has taught me, it would be in addition to what you have shared. This is my nugget of truth:
As we go through these trials, (as everyone does), we need to go through them with a peace that we don’t understand but trust Him anyway, (as you stated), but also with a JOY, praising Him even when we feel least like it!!
Adoration in prayer time and lifting our voice in songs of praise, this is the sacrifice of praise (in the midst of the storm) that He longs to hear from His children.
Love you, & love to read your thoughts! Keep writing my Sister, you have much to share in your journey with Christ!
My dear friend Sherry,
I LOVE what you shared here and agree with you 100%-JOY in the midst of our struggles, praising God when we least feel like it is a powerful source of strength for us and also extremely God honoring. I’m glad you shared this here in a comment. Thank you.
I’m so grateful for your continuous support of my writing. Thank you so much for it.
I love you too-very much.
Once again thank you Tweeny! I’m so sorry for the pain you are going through, I wish I were closer to offer my help to you. Please know that you will be in my prayers everyday!
I also realize we have been in this space before, facing a storm we did not think we would be able to survive….both you and I….as we learned God was there to walk us through, step by step….in his time, as he will during this storm.
Maybe we are tools in someone else’s lesson….held all the time under God’s loving hand.
My storm is not a physically painful as yours, it is a pain of my heart….however I will walk along side you in spirit and prayer as God leads both of us through this chapter of our of lives.
I was blessed the day you walked into my life, I continue to be blessed by your writings and your faith…..you strengthen every heart you touch! Especially mine!
Dearest Phyllis,
Thank you so much for sharing from your heart here. Your words touched me so much! Yu are so right on with everything you said. You and I may have different storms we are facing right now but what we do with them is what matters. I really appreciate you lifting me up in prayer. I too have been praying for you. I know what you are going through is so so difficult. Yet I know Jesus will carry you through. Keep asking Him to. He is always good and He is always faithful.
I have been blessed by you too Phyllis.You are a sweety. I hold you dear in my heart.
I can’t tell you how much your encouragement of my writing means to me. THANK YOU! I really need it. It’s been challenging for me to write/blog and not get much feedback. I sense God gently whispering to me “Just trust Me. Just keep writing.” I must walk in obedience, and that is what I’m doing.
I love you my friend~
Tweens, thanks for sharing your struggle! I will pray for God’s healing and love to surround and support you. Love in JESUS, mary
Dear Mary, I really appreciate your prayers for me. Thank you. Love you so. 🙂
Dear Tweeny,
Thank you for your encouraging words from the word. Right now I am facing one of the biggest challanges in my life.
I have just been promoted in a position in my workplace where I am working with a Man who is my manager and whom I do have strong feelings for . We had been working in different departments previously but are now in the same office and in regular contact. I have known for a while that he has also has feelings for me but I would always wait for him to make the first move .He has just started to open up to me and communicate and get to know me when out of the blue another female co worker began spreadibg hateful lies about me that im a b**ch trouble etc to other staff and threatened me that she will tell this man aswell. Instantly the thought in my mind was this is the enemy trying to destroy any chance I could possibly have with this man, this woman is so jealous of me. I am so scared that he will listen to the lies she has said about me and it will put him off me altogether. What do I do? Do i talk to him when i see him next? or do i just continue to be myself and wait for him to talk to me? I Love the Lord so much and have been praying for someone for so long now I’m 33. Do I just hand this over to the Lord and continue to trust him? Is it already written if i am to be with this man anyway or do i fight and do all i can? some advice would be grateful..thank you God Bless Jenni.x
Dear Jenni,
Thank you for reading my blog post and for reaching out to me. I say sister, God has not given you a spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind. So, yes, yes, yes, trust God with ALL your heart. Be at peace knowing that your prayers are being heard. He loves you so much and He has your BEST in mind!! I also encourage you to be in prayer and ask the Lord all the questions you are asking me. Make sure this man is in God’s will for your life. Continue to be yourself and let him pursue you. I am praying for you too. I hope this helps you. Let me know. Lord bless you too.