“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.” ~ Unknown
If you struggle with lasting inner peace, there is some battle that is going on inside of you that is preventing you from living in freedom. There is something within you that has been broken and needs to be restored.
Being honest with yourself will help you determine what exactly the cause of your inner turmoil is, the thing in your life that has robbed you of your joy.
You first need to be willing to face your issues.
Step one to a more peaceful life is to step out of denial and admit to yourself, to God and to another human being what your struggle is.
How can you admit that you need healing without first knowing what the cause is?
The secret to finding lasting harmony is found through recognizing and acknowledging your heartache. All of us are fragile and powerless. Man was born a sinner and because of this we fail daily. It’s why we desperately need a savior.
The best way to figure out your vulnerabilities is to ask the One that you can always trust- Jesus Christ.
Talk honestly with God first.
1. Find a quiet place where you can be still and hear God’s gentle whisper.
2. Have a journal and pen with you.
3. Ask yourself a simple question, “What is bothering me?”
4. Write down anything that comes to mind.
For example, just this last week I felt a subtle irritation inside of me. I could tell I had somehow lost my peace.
So I made a point to sit down to seek the Lord on this matter specifically.
As I started to write I realized that my cell phone and laptop were the culprits. I had been overly consumed by these electronics. They had become major distractions without me even realizing it.
I was so convicted. I spent some time in prayer, telling God I was sorry. Once I did that, I slowly began to feel His joy and peace return.
This is a very simple example. There are obviously deep rooted issues that many people have not faced yet. There’s a wrong someone did to them or maybe they did to someone else. Either way, step one is admitting to yourself and God what is causing you a heavy heart.
Talk with another human being.
After you have identified what is robbing your of your peace, make a phone call to someone you trust and share this revelation with them. There is something very healing about sharing our burdens and/or confessing our sins, out loud to another person. This other person is called an accountability partner.
We all need accountability in our lives.
After you have taken these two important steps you are headed towards a healthier, joy-filled life. You have stepped out of denial and admitted to yourself, to God and to another human being what your struggle is.
This simple act of humility can change so much within your hearts. It brings unity between you, those around you and most importantly, it allows God’s grace to begin the healing process.
Only when you step out of denial and admit your pain can God begin to help you.
How about you? Have you identified the thief that is trying to rob you of your life and peace? Are you willing to step out of denial and talk to God and another human being about it?
“If your sinful nature controls your mind, there is death. But if the Holy Spirit controls your mind, there is life and peace.” ~ Romans 8:6
Thank you Tweeny!
As usual, right on target Sister! We have to be on guard and not allow the evil one to destroy our inner peace. That is Satan’s plan, but in Christ He offers us the peace like no other, the peace that passes our own understanding! It is our job to be aware (just like you were) when there is something gone awry.
Thanks for the awesome reminders of who we are in Christ Jesus, truly free!
I love how you put it here. It is for sure satan’s desire to rob us of our freedom. It’s up to us to make sure he doesn’t even get a foothold in. Thanks for always encouraging me sis. I really appreciate it:)