The Bible tells us that as followers of Jesus Christ, we ought to be different than the world. This means we are to be so transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit that making God-honoring choices becomes second nature (Romans 12:2).
Our lives, as followers of Christ, should be a reflection of Jesus to the world. For many, we are the only bible they will ever read. Christ has called us as Christians to be the light in this dark world- to be more loving, more hospitable, more encouraging, more like Jesus (Matthew 5:12-14).
Many, however, decide consciously or subconsciously, that it’s okay to compromise. A little here, a little there and eventually we, believers of Jesus Christ, don’t look or act any different than a non believer.
There’s one area in the lives of Christian women that is often overlooked, either out of ignorance or because we have decided it’s okay to compromise. Modesty.
You may or may not realize it, but how you dress broadcasts a message. It speaks volumes about your faith in Jesus Christ.
Dressing modestly is what Jesus tells us to do. He tells us that we shouldn’t draw attention to ourselves (1 Timothy 2:9) and that we shouldn’t be a cause for another believer to stumble (Romans 14:20-22). Jesus says to us, “And I want women to be modest in their appearance…”(1 Timothy 2:9). God has said it as about as directly as He possibly could.
It’s hard to follow these instructions when everywhere we go, even among fellow Christians the opposite has become the norm. We have become desensitized to what the definition of modesty even is.
Instead of standing firm on the biblical definition of modesty, we have decided to adapt to the world’s definition, and this is where we get deceived. We start believing it’s okay for us to wear less and less. We literally and spiritually look no different than the world- a world that doesn’t know God’s commands. More importantly, we are not respecting our Lord’s request- to be modest in our appearance.
Most men struggle with lust. This is a known fact. If we dress where we are revealing too much, we are going to cause a brother to stumble because we are challenging him to practice even more self control. This may be easier for some men, but it is very challenging for most. Yes men have to be responsible in how they control their thoughts, but Christ has called us as godly women to help them in that process- not make it more difficult.
Dressing immodestly as a Christian woman may also cause a sister to stumble. If she sees a sister showing a lot of skin, she may start to question her own beauty and start to think revealing more skin is what defines attractiveness. We must always be aware of how our modesty affects our fellow sisters, and be sensitive to how our choices may affect another one’s faith.
God has told us clearly what His thoughts are on how we should dress. He tells us in 1 Timothy 2:9 “And I want women to be modest in their appearance. They should wear decent and appropriate clothing and not draw attention to themselves...” By being modest, we allow people to see our inner faith rather than just our outer appearance. God has given us the ability- the honor- to use our God-created beauty to glorify the Almighty God.
I know God see’s our hearts and He knows our motives are often times completely pure. The problem is that man cannot see our heart, but rather looks at our outward appearance. We live for God and He has called us to represent Him in all areas of our lives, which includes how we choose to dress.
I encourage all of us to be confident in our inner beauty, the beauty that comes from knowing Jesus Christ. Let us be a new generation of women that love the Lord so much that we literally glow and radiate from His love within us. May how we dress be a Christ-like fragrance rising up to Him, pleasing Him because it is what He asks of us (2 Corinthians 2:15). In this way we can shine His light, and not our own.
I challenge you to go through your closet with Jesus and ask Him what He thinks of every single piece of clothing you own. I did this myself several years ago.
It was after a Sunday service where the pastor had preached on Christian women and modesty. He said “You sisters know you are beautiful, so why do you have to show every nook and cranny?” I was so convicted that day. You see, I use to dress very inappropriately. I just never thought anything of it.
So on this Sunday God spoke very clearly to me. I grabbed one of those large black trash bags and went through my closet throwing out every low cut top, every short skirt or dress, and every piece of clothing that fit me tight. It was so freeing because I knew I was doing the right thing before God. You can do this too. Ask yourself- if someone was to observe what you are wearing at church, at your workplace, at school, or at a pool party, would Christ be glorified?
May the Lord speak to each of us on this subject of modesty, and may we have ears to hear Him and an open and willing heart to do His will.
“… So whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
~ 1 Corinthians 10:31
Beautifully written as always my friend, and spot on! I think it is high time we as women, think more closely about our appearance through the eyes of Christ! We are His daughters whom He is proud of. Let’s not dishonor or disgrace Him because of our wrong choices! You are inspirational and I love you sister!
Sweet sister and friend, I am so grateful for your words of encouragement. This one was challenging to write. It’s a delicate subject as many have fallen away from what modesty means to our Lord. Thank you so much for supporting my writings. I need it:) I love you a lot.
Hearing it from someone who has done it and felt the freedom is proof that Christ came to free His people. Someday we will not have to think about what to wear and I am so looking forward to that. Meanwhile I want to think a little harder about my choices of clothes. Sometimes it is not for looks but comfort or convenience and I think that is also not a good excuse. Thank you for the encouragement.
I love what you share here my friend. It’s true that we just don’t think about what we are wearing. I hope my blog helped others with this point. I too cannot wait until the day we don’t have to worry about these things!
love you~